Pure milk is an important part of a healthy diet. How to buy safe and high-qualitymilk has been a common topic of concern. Here we provide some feasible suggestions.
First, choose the cryopreservation. Compared hitjob/post/271.html with the normal placement ofultra high temperature milk, pasteurized milk sterilization temperaturerefrigeration sales of low, can better maintain the nutrition of milk the original.Special emphasis is that, a lot of ultra high temperature of pure milk is placed ina freezer at businesses in sales, which would be the attention of consumers. A simple www.szbluebow method is to see the quality guarantee period, more than 6 months areUHT milk.
Second, choose the ingredients of raw milk. Now have to raw milk as raw material with pure milk market, there are to restore the milk to milk powder as raw material. To restore th
e milk will be marked on the product packaging, has a longer shelf life, one of the nutrients as raw milk production.
Third, preferably whole milk. Milk nutrient mainly fat, protein, vitamins and minerals. Remove the fat milk, the fat soluble vitamins, beneficial fatty acids are not, nutrition is also greatly reduced. In order to control the fat intake and give up the whole milk is not sensible. Milk protein belongs to high-quality protein, aprotein in the products is higher, the quality of raw milk is better.
Fourth, preferably local milk. Considering the transportation and safety of pure milk, logistics links of local milk less, cold chain is guaranteed, the quality of the products also can guarantee. While www.zbdantong imports of pure milk is ultra high temperature milk, pasteurized milk has no nutritional advantage over, a lot of expensive, the price is not high.
Fifth, can also choose to prepare fortified milk. The market in addition to pure milk, also marked modulation milk, such as Gao Gainai, AD milk, iron and zincin milk. Thes
e milk contains 80% of the raw milk, but strengthening some important nutrients, can choose according to need. It is emphasized that, most ofthe high calcium milk to add calcium www.jindiaosu carbonate, others add natural milk calcium.A better natural milk calcium absorption, calcium needs of consumers should try to choose this product.
Sixth, choose fragrance light, wall hanging uniform. Some people think that theflavor is good milk, in fact after homogenization of pure milk哪种进口牛奶最好 taste thin light,frankincense, into the glasses with uniform wall. The taste, flavor thick puremilk should be vigilant.
Seventh, do not care about the www.fjyougw color depth. Full cream milk natural color is milky white or slightly yellow (natural carotene color), skimmed milk is milk white or slightly yellowish green (natural vitamin B color). Different seasons, different fat contents, different feed will cause differences in milk color, does not needspecial care.
Eighth, pay attention to lactose intolerance. Pure milk contains more lactose,lactose intolerance should choose low lactose milk, so as to prevent diarrhea caused by lactose. It
is www.bjkdrh emphasized that the low lactose milk lactose intoglucose, galactose, but not suitable for diabetic patients.