go across 度过,越过                  go after 追逐,追求,跟随 
go against 反对,不利于                  go ahead 前进,进展,继续 
go all about 鼓足干劲,全力以赴      go along with… 一道走 go back to 追溯至                      go beyond 超过,胜过 
go by 经过,过去                        go in for 喜欢,参加, 而努力 go into 进入,参加,调查,从事,深入研究
go off 走开,爆炸                          go on 继续,接下去 
go on to do 接着做(另一件事        go on doing 继续做(同一件事) go out 出去,熄灭,离开,下台          go over 温习,检查,越过 
go through 履行,通过,经历,忍受  go up 上升,上涨,攀登 
go wrong 出故障,走错路
一:什么是倒装句:它是一种语法手段,用于表示一定的句子结构或强调某一句子成分。倒装句有两种:完全倒装和部分倒装。将句子的主语和谓语完全颠倒过来, 称之为完全倒装将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态动词倒装至主语之前。如果句中的没有谓语,就用助动词或情态动词。 这种情况称之为部分倒装。两种倒装句中以考部分倒装为主。具体的考点如下:
考点一:以否定词not, no, never, seldom, hardly, nowhere, little, not until, no sooner, not only...but also, by no means等开头的句子, 必须用部分倒装!
I' ve tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means _____ with my progress.
A. the teacher is not satisfied       
B. is the teacher not satisfied
C. the teacher is satisfied           
D. is the teacher satisfied
解析: 含否定意义的by no means (决不) 位于句首, 要用部分倒装, 排除选项AC; by no means本身就是否定, 句子要用肯定式, 排除B, 故答案是D
Never in my wildest dreams ______these people are living in such poor conditions.
A. I could imagine           
B. could I imagine
C. I couldn' t imagine       
D. couldn' t I imagine
解析: 以否定词never开头, 句子用部分倒装, 排除AC; never本身就是否定的, 根据句意,
应再用否定的, 排除D, 故答案是B
--- Did Linda see the traffic accident?
--- No, no sooner _______ than it happened. 
A. had she gone       
B. she had gone
C. has she gone       
D. she has gone
解析: 表示否定意义的词no sooner放在句首, 用部分倒装, 该搭配关系我在时间状语从句中介绍过:no sooner 后面要用过去完成时,所以答案是A
They have a good knowledge of English but little ____ they know about German.
A. have       
B. did       
C. had       
D. do
解析: 因表示否定意义的little开头, 要用部分倒装,要选择构成倒装的助动词, 因前句have是一般现在时, know也应是一般现在时, 所以用助动词do, 故答案是D
Not until all the fish died in the river ____ how serious the pollution was.
A. did the villagers realize           
B. the villagers realized
C. the villagers did realize           
D. didn't the villagers realize
解析: not until 开头的句子,主句要用部分倒装, not until本身是否定式, 要用肯定式, 故选A
Maybe you have been to many countries, but nowhere else _____ such a beautiful place.
A. can you find       
B. you could find   
C. you can find       
D. could you find
解析: 以否定词nowhere 开头,要用部分倒装, 由前一分句可知用现在时, 故答案是A
Seldom _________ any apology when mistakes are made.
A. we receive   
B. do we receive   
C. we received   
D. did we receive
解析: 以否定词seldom 开头, 要用部分倒装, 由后一分句可知用现在时, 故答案是B
Hardly ____ Edinburgh when they were ordered to return to London.
A. had they reached         
B. they had reached 
C. have the reached       
D. they have reached
解析:hardly...when的用法跟no sooner...than一样,从句要用过去完成时,所以答案是A
_____ snacks and drinks but they also brought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest.
A. Not only they brought     
B. Not only did they bring
C. Not only brought they     
D. Not only they did bring
解析:句子后半段有but also, 所以可以推测前面要出现not only, 放在句首要出现部分倒装。时态是过去时,所以答案是B
考点二:only加状语(副词/介词短语/从句成人英语三级) 置于句首时, 要用部分倒装
Only after my friend came _________ .
A. did the computer repaired           
B. be repaired the computer
C. was the computer repaired           
D. the computer was repaired
解析: only加状语从句置于句首, 要用部分倒装, 排除选项BD; 又因the computerrepair是被动关系, 要用被动语态, 排除A, 故答案是C
_____ homework did we have to do that we had no time to take a rest.
A. So much       
B. Too much       
C. Too little       
D. So little
解析: 因主句did we have是部分倒装, 能使主句构成部分倒装的是将so...that...句型中的“so+形容词或副词放在句首, 排除选项BC; 根据没有时间休息可知是必须做很多作业, 而不是很少, 故答案是A
So difficult _____ it to work out the problem that I decided to ask Tom for advice.
A. I did find     
B. did I find   
C. I have found     
D. have I found
考点四:用so, neithernor开头, 表示前者所述情况也适用于后者, 肯定情况用so, 否定情况用neithernor
--- It"s burning hot today, isn"t it? --- Yes. ______ yesterday.
A. So was it       
B. So it was       
C. So it is       
D. So is it
解析: Yes可知, 句意是昨天的天气也和今天一样热”, so was it, 故答案是A
Mary never does any reading in the evening, ______.
A. so does John               
B. John does too   
C. John doesn" t too       
D. nor does John
解析: 句意是“John也和Mary一样, 晚上不看书”, “nor/neither+助动词+主语”, 故答案是D, nor does John =John doesn' t, either
注意: 若是对对方所述事实表示肯定, 相当于是啊”“的确如此, 不要用倒装。
---Maggie had a wonderful time at the party. ____ , and so did I. 
A. So she had   
B. So had she   
C. So she did