01、死亡之屋 01.Welcome To Dead House 02、远离地下室 02.Stay Out of the Basement 03、噩梦营 03.Welcome To Camp Nightmare 04、邻屋幽魂 04.Ghost Next Door 05、古墓毒咒 05.The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb 06、魔镜隐身记 06.Let's Get Invisible! 07、魔血 07.Monster Blood
08、倒霉相机 08.Say Cheese and Die! 09、木偶惊魂(灵偶) 09.Night of the Living Dummy 10、追妖女孩 10 The Girl Who Cried Monster. 11、魔鬼面具(面具夺魂) 11.The Haunted Mask 12、小心许愿 12.Be careful what you wish for. 13、钢琴杀手 13.Piano Lessons Can Be Murder 14、湿地狼人 14.The Werewolf of Fever Swamp 15、你吓不着我 15.You Can't Scare Me! 16、恐怖乐园 16.One Day at Horrorland 17、蜜蜂恐惧症 17.Why I'm Afraid of Bees 18、魔血重现(魔血II) 18.Monster Blood II 19、木偶惊魂II(灵偶II) 19.Night Of The Living Dummy II 20、礼堂幽灵 20.Phantom of the Auditorium 21、深海奇遇 21.Deep Trouble
22、稻草人夜行 22.The Scarecrow Walks at Midnight 23、毛孩复原记 23.My Hairiest Adve
nture 24、海岸游魂 24.Ghost Beach
25、魄散恐怖塔 25.A Night in Terror Tower 26、蚯蚓复仇记 26.Go Eat Worms!
27、古墓毒咒II 27.Return Of The Mummy 28、变异人来袭 28.Attack of the Mutant 29、漫画王国历险记 29.?未知英文名
30、孤魂野狗 30.The Barking Ghost
31、魔血III 31.Monster Blood III 32、命运之钟 32.The Cuckoo Clock Of Doom 33、惊魂街惊魂记 33 A Shocker on Shock Street. 34、魔鬼面具II(面具夺魂?) 34.The Haunted Mask II 35、风干骷髅头 35.How I Got My Shrunken Head 36、草坪矮人精 36.Revenge of the Lawn Gnomes 37、无头幽灵 37.The Headless Ghost 38、木偶惊魂III(灵偶III) 38.Night Of The Living Dummy III 39、果冻营地之迷 39.The Horror at Camp Jellyjam 40、帕萨迪纳雪怪 40.The Abominable Snowman Of Pasadena 41、恐怖魔术兔 41.Bad Hare Day 42、倒霉相机II 42.Say Cheese And Die - Again! 43、火星魔蛋 43.Egg Monsters from Mars
44.Ghost Camp 44、月亮魂夏令营
45.The Beast From The East 45、蓝毛巨兽
46.Attack of the Jack O'Lanterns 46、诡异南瓜灯(万圣节惊魂)
47.Legend of the Lost Legen‎‎d 47、失传神话之迷
48.How to Kill a Monster  48、怪物狩猎者
49.Vampire Breath  49、吸血之灵
50.Calling All Creeps!  50、午夜来电(爬虫召集令)
51.Beware, The Snowman  51、荒村雪怪
52.How I Learned To Fly  52、疯狂飞行记
53.Chicken Chicken 53、捣蛋鬼变形记(变鸟记)
54.Don't Go To Sleep!  54、千万别睡着
55.The Blob That Ate Everyone 55、红魔肉团
56.The Curse of Camp Cold Lake 56、冰湖惊梦
57.My Best Friend Is Invisible 57、我的隐身伙伴
58.Deep Trouble II 58、深海奇遇II
59.The Haunted School  59、灵异学校
60.Werewolf Skin  60、诡秘邻居(狼人的皮)
61.I Live in Your Basement!  61、我住你的地下室
62.Monster Blood IV 62、魔血IV