    In Chinese culture, the Double Ninth Festival, also known as Chongyang Festival, is a traditional holiday celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, which usually falls in October or November. The festival is associated with the worship of ancestors, the celebration of longevity, and the appreciation of nature. One of the most iconic customs associated with the Double Ninth Festival is the eating of flower cakes, known as "hua gao" in Chinese.
    The origins of the flower cake custom can be traced back to ancient China. According to legend, during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, a minister named Chong Er was banished from the court. While in exile, Chong Er encountered a wise old man who gave him a flower cake and instructed him to eat it on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month. Chong Er followed the old man's advice, and when he did, he was pardoned by the emperor and allowed to return to court. In gratitude, Chong Er vowed to offer flower cakes to the gods and
his ancestors on the Double Ninth Festival every year.
    Over time, the custom of eating flower cakes on the Double Ninth Festival spread throughout China. Flower cakes are typically made from glutinous rice flour, sugar, and various fillings, such as red bean paste, sesame seeds, and nuts. They are often decorated with edible flowers or other auspicious symbols. Flower cakes are believed to bring good luck, health, and longevity to those who eat them.
    In addition to the legend about Chong Er, there are several other theories about the origins of the flower cake custom. Some believe that the custom originated from the practice of offering sacrifices to the gods and ancestors on the Double Ninth Festival. Flower cakes were seen as a symbol of respect and gratitude to the deities and spirits. Others believe that the custom originated from the belief that eating flower cakes can ward off evil spirits and diseases.
    Today, the custom of eating flower cakes on the Double Ninth Festival is still widely practiced in China. Flower cakes are often served as part of a family meal or offered to gue
sts as a symbol of good wishes. The festival is also a time for family gatherings, hiking, and enjoying the autumn scenery.
重阳节是什么节    重阳节,又称“重九节”,是中国传统节日,为每年农历九月初九日。该节日与祭祖、祈寿、登高、赏菊习俗相关。重阳节最具代表性的习俗之一,便是吃重阳花糕。