人教版三年级英语下学期期末试卷 (检测时间40分钟,满分 100 分)
Part One  Listening(50分)
一.Listen and number. 根据听到的顺序,为下列图片标号。并把正确的序号填写在在答题卡上(10分)。
二. Listen and circle.听录音,圈出听到的图片,在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑(12分)。
1. A.      B.
2. A.      B.
3. A.        B.
4. A.      B.
5. A.        B.
6. A.      B.
三.Listen, tick or cross. 听音,判断图片正误,正确的打√,错误的打×(10分) 。
1.                    2.              3.
(    )                    (    )                  (    )
4.                      5.
(    )                  (    )
四. Listen and choose. 听音配对,在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑(8分)。1.          2.      3.              4
(    )            (    )            (      )              (      )
A.          B.          C.              D.
五. Listen and choose. 听音,选句子,在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑(10分)。
(    ) 1.  A. Do you have a library in your
scho ol?
B. Do you have an art room in your school? (    ) 2.  A. What is she doing?    B. What is he doing?
(    )    3.  A. We h ave PE a nd science on Monday.    B. We have PE and music on Monday.
(    ) 4.  A. He is going to play chess after
B. He is going to play sports after
(    ) 5.  A. She is cooking in the kitchen.    B. She is reading books in the study.
Part Two  Reading and writing (50分)
六.Read and write the missing letters. 看图读一读,填上所缺的字母(10分)。
1.      2.        3.          4.          5.
b  n
c  k            b  k              sh              J  n
6.      7.      8.    9.      10.
p  g            d  g            b    d        d  ck          c  t
七.Read and choose. 读单词,选择相应的图片,将写在括号里(10分)。
(      )  1. classroom      A.              B.
(      )  2. maths        A.                B.
(      )  3. living room    A.                B.
(      )  4. draw pictures  A.              B.
(      )  5. grandma      A.                B.
八.Look and read, then tick or cross. 看图,读句子,判断,对的打√,错的打×(10 分)。() 1.    They are playing football on the playground(在操场上).
(      )  2.  I have science and music on Monday.
(      )  3.          He is going to play chess after school.
(      )    4.        This is the bedroom.
(      )  5.    He is feeding the fish.
九、Look ,read and choose. 看图,选择正确的句子(10分)。
() 1.  A. She is my cousin. She has long hair.  B. He is my cousin. He has short hair.
() 2.    A. She is washing her hands.      B. She is watering the plants.
() 3.    A. Andy is making a snowman.  B. Andy is making a model plane.
() 4.    A. The toilet is on the third floor.  B. The toilet is on the first
floor. () 5.        A. I have PE today.              B. I have art today.
十. Read, choose and write. 读一读,选择合适的单词填在格子里(10分)。
1.This  is  my
2.She  is
3.She has                        hair.
4.She has 2
5.Today she is going to                        after school.
Part One  Listening (50分)
一.Listen and number. 根据听到的顺序,为下列图片标号。并把正确的序号填写在
(    )      (    )      (    )      (    )    (    )
二.Listen and circle.听录音,圈出听到的图片,在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑
2. 【A】【B】
3. 【A】【B】
4. 【A】【B】
6. 【A】【B】
三. Listen, tick or cross. 听音,判断图片正误,正确的打√,错误的打×(10分) 。
3. ()
eyes cousin beautiful long dance
Monday toilet
Two  Reading & Writing  (50分)
六.Read and write the missing letters. 看图读一读,填上所缺的字母(10分)。
1. b  n
2. c  k
3. b  k
三年级英语期末试卷5. J  n
6. p  g
7. d  g
8. b  d
9. d  ck      10. c  t
七.Read and choose. 读单词,选择相应的图片,将字母涂黑(10分)。
2. 【A】【B】
3. 【A】【B】
4. 【A】【B】
八.Look and read, then tick or cross. 看图,读句子,判断,对的打√,错的打
×(10 分)。
3. ()
九.Look, read and choose. 看图,选择正确的句子(10分)。
2. 【A】【B】
3. 【A】【B】
4. 【A】【B】
十.Read、 choose and write. 读一读,选择合适的单词填在格子里(10分)。
Part One  Listening (50分)
一、Listen and number. 根据听到的顺序,为下列图片标号。并把正确的序号填写在在答题卡上(10
1. What are they doing?  They are cooking dinner.
2. What is she doing?  She is flying the ki te.
3. What is he doing?    He is watching TV.
4. What is he doing?    He is swimming.
5. What are they doing?  They are playing football.
答案:(  5  )      (  3  )    (  2  )      (  1  )    (  4  )
二、Listen and circle.听录音,圈出听到的图片,在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑(12分)。
1. Do you have a playground in your school?  Yes, we do.
2. On Tuesday , we have Chinese.
3. This woman is my aunt.
4. This is my bedroom.
5. What is he doing?  He is reading books.
6. What is she doing?  She is feeding the fish.
答案:1.(A) 2.(B )    3.(A)    4.(B )    5.(B)    6. (A)
三、Listen, tick or cross. 听音,判断图片正误,正确的打√,错误的打×(10分) 。
1. This boy is my brother.  He has short hair.
2. Where is the library?  It’s on the third floor.
3. We have computer class on Friday.
4. The girl is my friend.  Her name is Ann.
5. What is he doing?  He is cleaning his room.
答案:1.(×)  2.(×)  3. (√)  4.(√)  5.(×)
四. Listen and choose. 听音配对,在答题卡上将字母写到括号里(8分)。
四. Listen and choose. 听音配对,在答题卡上将字母写到括号里(8分)。
1. ()
2. ()
3. ()
4. ()
五. Listen and choose. 听音,选句子,在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑(10分)。
2. 【A】【B】
3. 【A】【B】
4. 【A】【B】
1.Yaoyao is listening to music.
2.Andy is watering the plants.
3. Bill is feeding the dog.
4. Binbin is playing Ping-Pong
答案:1.(B)  2.(C)  3.(A)  4.(D)
五、Listen and choose. 听音,选句子,在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑(10分)。
1. Do you have a library in your school?
2. What is he doing?
3. We have PE and music on Monday.
4. He is going to play chess after school.
5. She is reading books in the study.
答案:1.(A)      2.(B)      3.(B)        4.(A)      5.(B)
Part Two  Reading & Writing(50分)
六、Read and write the missing letter s. 看图读一读,填上所缺的字母(10分)。
1. b o n e
2. c a ke
3. bi ke
4.sh e
5.Ju ne
6. pi g
7. d o g
8.b e d
9. du ck    10. ca t
七、Read and choose. 读单词,选择相应的图片,将字母涂黑(10分)。
答案:1.(A )      2.(B)      3.(B)        4.(A)      5.(A)
八.Look and read ,then tick or cross. 看图,读句子,判断,对的打√,错的打×(10 分)。
3. (√)
九、Look ,read and choose. 看图,选择正确的句子(10分)。
答案:1.(A)      2.(B)      3.(B)        4.(B)      5.(A)
十、Read、 choose and write. 读一读,选择合适的单词填在格子里(10分)。
答案:1. cousin    2. beautiful      3.long      4. eyes      5. dance