1.—Look at me! (   )
A.Thank you.    B.You look great.    C.No, I’m not.
2.This is Helen. _____ my sister. (    )
A.She    B.He’s    C.She’s
3.He’s my mother’s ______. He’s my grandpa. (    )
A.brother    B.father    C.uncle
4.He’s _________. He’s my friend. (      )
A.Tim    B.Helen    C.Yang Ling
5.—______ you Sam? (    )
—No, I ______ John.
A.Are; is    B.Are; am    C.Is; am
6.—What __________ a cake? (     )
—No, thank you.
A.is    B.like    C.about
7.Nice __________ see you __________. (     )
A.too; to    B.to; to    C.to; too
8.—_______ (    )
—It’s a ball.
A.What colour is it?    B.What’s this?    C.Is this a robot?
9.字母Aa含有相同音素的字母是:(    )
A.Mm    B.Hh    C.Qq
10._____ is Su Hai and ______ Liu Tao. (   )
A.She’s; He’s    B.She; He’s    C.She; he’s
11.—Look at my skirt. (  )
A.It's a skirt.    B.Yes, please.    C.It's nice.
12.—This is for you. (   )
A.No.    B.Thank you.    C.Yes, please.
13.Look at ________. (  )
A.me    B.I    C.he
14.—Look at my new robot. (    )
A.Yes, it is    B.It’s nice    C.It’s yellow
15.—Happy birthday! (   )
A.OK.    B.Thank you.    C.Happy birthday!
16.垃圾分类,从我做起,我们要把厨余垃圾放进 (bin垃圾箱):(     )
A.Blue bin.    B.Red bin.    C.Green bin.
17.—________? (    )             
—It’s a red cap.
A.Who’s wearing a red cap?
B.What colour is the cap?
C.What’s that?
18.—Would you like a hot dog? (     )
A.No, please.    B.It’s white.    C.Yes, please.
19.—_______ is your T-shirt? (   )
—It's yellow.
A.What    B.What colour    C.This
20.—This is ________egg. It’s for you. (   )
—Thank you.
A.an    B.a    C./
21.—Is she Yang Ling?                
—Yes. S_________ is my friend.
22.Hello, ________ (小) Li.
23.________ (我) am Sam.
24.________ (再见), Alice!
25.—What’s (那个)? —It’s a hot dog.
26.My _____ (祖父) is a farmer.
27.This (红的) skirt is for you.
28.This is a (蓝的) toy car.
29.This is Mike. H________ is my friend.
30.—Miss Li, this is my ________ (妈妈).
—Good ________ (晚上), Mrs Brown.
31.—Look at my new _________.
—It’s nice.
32.—Happy New Y_________, Uncle John!    
—This i_________ for you.
—Thank you.
33.This is my __i__ter, Helen.
34.This is my ________(mouth / mum).
35.These are s________.
36.Can I have some ice?
37.I’m going to v______ my grandparents next weekend.
38.We can borrow some books from the school l_____.
39.Do you like ________ (牛奶)?
40.A: What colour is my skirt now?        
B: It’s _________. (黑的)
It is Monday. I get up at seven. Then I wash my face and hands. I have breakfast at seven thirty. I usually have some bread and milk. Milk is good for us. Sometimes I have rice and eggs. But I don’t like eggs. I like some cake.
41、What day is it today? (    )
A.Monday.    B.Sunday.    C.Friday.
42、What time do I get up? (    )
A.At six o'clock.    B.At seven o'clock.    C.At eight o'clock.
43、What do I have for my breakfast?  (    )
A.Juice.    B.Bread.    C.Fish.
44、______ is good for us.  (    )
A.Eggs    B.Rice    C.Milk
45、I don’t like _________.  (    )
A.eggs    B.milk    C.cake
Hi, I'm Lucy. I'm a girl. I'm ten. Look! This is my classroom. It's big(大的). The desks are blue. The chairs are yellow. This is my red bag. It's in the desk. My English book is on the desk. Where's my pen? Oh, it's in the book.
46、Lucy is ______. (   )
A.8    B.10    C.9
47、Lucy's classroom is ______. (   )
A.big    B.bad    C.small
48、The ________are blue . (   )
A.chairs    B.windows    C.desks
49、Her bag is ______. (   )
A.red    B.blue    C.green
50、Her pen is in the ______. (   )
A.bag    B.book    C.chair
Hello! I’m Jack. I’m ten. I like dogs, cats, pandas and elephants. I like blue. My dog is black,  but(但是) my pencil box is blue. My eraser is yellow. I like bread, eggs, and milk. I don’t like cakes.
51、Jack is ________.(   )
A.6    B.10    C.8
52、Jack likes ________.(   )
A.dogs, cats, pandas and elephants
B.dogs, cats, pandas and ducks
C.pigs, cats, pandas and ducks
53、Jack’s dog is ________.(   )
A.red    B.blue    C.black
54、Jack’s pencil box is ________.(   )
A.blue    B.yellow    C.black
55、Jack doesn’t like(不喜欢) ________.(   )
A.eggs    B.bread    C.cakes
Hi! I’m Bob. I like animals. Look at my dog. It’s black and white. It has big eyes. This is my bird, Polly. It is three years old. It’s very beautiful. I have a small cat. It’s white. She is Mimi. Mimi likes the fish. What about you?
56、The dog is _______. (   )
A.black    B.white    C.black and white
57、How old is Polly? (   )
A.It’s 2 years old.    B.It’s 3 years old.    C.It’s 4 years old.
58、_______ is very beautiful. (   )
A.The bird    B.The dog    C.The giraffe
59、Bob has a _______ cat. (   )