1.This is Tim. _______ is my friend. (   )
A.She    B.He    C.He’s
2.______ Alice. She's ______ friend. (    )
A.She; me    B.He's; my    C.She's; my
3.Tim, this toy is ______ you. Happy birthday ______ you! (    )
A.for; to    B.to; for    C.to; to
4.He's my father's ______. He's my uncle. (    )
A.brother    B.grandpa    C.sister
5.—How old are you? (     )
A.I am fine.    B.Six.    C.It's seven.
6.My father's father is my __________. (     )
A.uncle    B.grandma    C.grandpa
7.This doll is __________ your sister. (     )
A.for    B.give    C.to
8.—Look at _______, Su Hai. (    )
—OK, Miss Li.
A.he    B.me    C.is
9.—Are you Miss Li? (    )
A.Yes, I'm    B.No, I'm not    C.No, I'm
10.—Yellow _______ brown? (   )
—Yellow, please.
A.and    B.or    C.all
11.在读句子"Would you like a pie?"时,语调应为 ________。在读句子" What's this?"时,语调应为________。(  )
A.;     B.;     C.;
12.—This is for you. (   )
A.No.    B.Thank you.    C.Yes, please.
13.This is John. _________ is my friend. (   )
A.He    B.She    C.I
14.—Happy birthday! (   )
A.OK.    B.Thank you.    C.Happy birthday!
15.—Would you like an apple pie? (     )
A.Yes, I do.    B.No, thanks.    C.I'd like.
16.I ________ Tim. He ________ my brother, Mike. (   )
A.are; is    B.is; am    C.am; is
17.—______ (    )
—Goodbye, Mike.
A.Goodbye, Mum.    B.Good morning, Mum.    C.Hello, Mum.
18.A: Look at my jacket. (     )
B: It’s ________.
A.Thank you.    B.very nice.    C.please
19.—______, Alice. (    )
—Goodbye, Liu Tao.
A.Good afternoon    B.Good evening    C.Goodbye
20.This is Helen. ________ my sister. (   )
A.I’m    B.She’s    C.He’s
21.I like winter because I can ________.
22.Good morning, ______ (同学们).
23.________ (我) am Sam.
24.—What colour is __________________ (我的汽车) now?
—It is __________________ (红绿相间的).
25.Look at that nice _____ (短裙).
26.—Look at my _____ (帽子).
—How nice!
27.—What colour is it?
—It’s (蓝).三年级英语期末试卷
28.A: What colour is my skirt now?        
B: It’s _________. (黑的)
29.Tom is my f________.
30.—Whose ________ (夹克衫) is this?
—________ Mike’s.
31.Would you like _________ _________?
32.Eat some _____. 
33.—How many birds? 
—_______ birds.
34.Can I have some ice?
35.Miss White wants to eat (some rice/some fish).
36.We have t________ fingers(手指).
37.We have ______ (6) cards.
38.—Would you like _______ ice cream?
—_______, please.
39.This toy _________is for Tim.
40.My mother’s father is my ________ (外祖父).
Hello, I’m Daming, I m a boy. My father is a driver. My mother is a farmer.
41、Daming is a ________. (    )
A.girl    B.boy    C.cat
42、His mother is a ________. (    )
A.teacher    B.farmer    C.nurse
43、His father is a ________. (    )
A.pupil    B.driver    C.boy
44、A pencil is ________. (    )
A.in my hand    B.in his ear    C.in his mouth
45、His schoolbag is ________. (    )
A.in his classroom    B.in the bag    C.in the desk
Hello, my name's Kate. I'm nine years old. I like red and white. I like juice and bread. Look, this is my friend (朋友) Lily. Lily is red and blue. She is lovely (可爱的). Haha, she is a bird. I like her very much.
46、Kate is ________ years old. (  )
A.8    B.9    C.10
47、Kate likes ________. (  )
A.milk and bread    B.juice and rice    C.juice and bread
48、Kate's friend is ________. (  )
A.Lily    B.black    C.a cat
49、Lily is ________. (  )
A.red and white    B.blue and black    C.red and blue
50、Lily is a ________. (  )
A.dog    B.bird    C.panda
My name is Lily. I’m eight years old. I have three white pens and two black rulers. Look at my red bag. It’s nice and a dog is on it. It’s yellow and brown. I like it. I’d like some milk. Can I have some?
51、My name is _________. (    )
A.Lily    B.Mary
52、I’m _________ years old. (    )
A.three    B.eight
53、I have two _________ rulers. (    )
A.blue    B.black
54、_________ is on my bag. (    )
A.Dog    B.Panda
55、I’d like some _________. (    )
A.juice    B.milk
This girl is Linlin. She is ten. It's her birthday today (今天). She has (有) two presents. Look! This present is from (来自) her mother. What is it? Oh! It's a book. Now it is on the desk. Her father gave (给) her a cat kite. It is blue. Linlin likes (喜欢) the presents.
56、Linlin is _______. (    )
A.9    B.10    C.12
57、Linlin has two _______. (    )
A.presents    B.blackboards    C.birds
58、The book is from her _______. (    )
A.teacher    B.grandma    C.mother
59、Now the book is _______. (    )
A.on the chair    B.on the desk    C.in the book
60、Her father gave her a _______. (    )
A.    B.    C.