A good beginning is half the battle.以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的英语等级考试pets三级完型全真模拟练习题,希望能给大家带来帮助!
Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B,C or D on ANSWER SHEETl.
A special lab at the University of Chicago is busy only 1. It is a dream 2 where re-searchers are at work 3 dreamers. Their findings have concluded that 4 dreams from three to seven times each night, 5 in ordinary life a person may 6 none or only one of his dreams.
While the 7 sleep, special machines 8 their brain waves and eye movements as well as the body movements that 9 the end of a dream. Surprisingly, all subjects 10 soundly. 11 say that
a person usually fidgets(烦躁).before a dream. 12 the dream has started,his body relaxes and his eyes 13 more active, as if the curtain _ 14 _on a show. When the machine 15 that the dream is over, a buzzer wakes the 16 . He sits up, records his dream,and goes back to sleep-perhaps to _17some more.
Researchers have found that if the dreamer, is18 immediately after his dream,he can usually recall the entire dream. If he is allowed to sleep even 19 his . 20 0f the dream will have faded. That's why most people have many dreams at night, but forget most of them in the morning.
1. [A] at noon [B] in the morning [C] at night [D] in spring
2. [A] mill [B] laboratory [C] hospital [D] classroom
3. [A] studying [B] studied [C] to study [D] having studied
4. [A] everyone [B] anyone [C] someone [D] no one
5. [A] therefore [B] if [C] despite [D] although
6. [A] miss [B] remember [C] realize [D] notice
7. [A] objects [B] experiments [C] goals [D] subjects
8. [A] manufacture [B] initiate [C] prepare [D] record
9. [A] signal [B] sign [C] sigh [D] assign
10. [A] work [B] wake [C] sleep [D] remain
11. [A] Subjects [B] Examiners [C] Computers [D] Observers
12. [A] Once [B] Never [C] Hardly [D] Frequently
13. [A] start [B] produce [C] become [D] appeal
14. [A] had gone up [B] has gone up [C] goes up [D] is going up
15. [A] decides [B] pronounces [C] refers [D] indicates
16. [A] researcher [B] body [C] sleeper [D] on-looker
17. [A] remember [B] forget [C] imagine [D] dream
18. [A] asleep [B] wakened [C] wakening [D] slept
19. [A] more five minutes [B] five more minute[C] five minutes [D] five more minutes
20. [A] colour [B] record [C] memory [D] description
1.C【解析】此题考查对这篇文章的主要内容的宏观掌握。本篇是关于研究人员在实验室里研究人做梦的类型。at night符合题意。
2.B 【解析】联系上一句“在芝加哥大学的一个特殊实验室里”。只有B符合题意。
三级 英语6.B【解析】本句意为“但在日常生活中,一个人可能记不住或只记住一个梦。”miss错过;remember记住;realize意识到,实现;notice注意到。
7.D【解析】此题考查对上下文的理解,subject实验对象,只有表对象客体时才会用“object of sth.”的句型。
12.A【解析】once -旦。hardly用于“hardly.when.…”结构。