绅士的出生地不详,也不知道他的名字或姓氏。他之所以被称为 "绅士",是因为他的房子旁边有五棵柳树。他的房子旁边有五棵柳树。他是个安静的人,不善言辞。他不追求荣誉,也不追求物质利益。他喜欢读书,但不沉迷于吹毛求疵。每当他明白了一些事情他就高兴得忘了吃饭。他喜欢喝酒;但由于贫穷,他不能经常得到它。他的亲戚和老熟人知道偶尔会邀请他喝酒;
The gentleman's place of birth is unknown, and neither his first nor last name is known. He was called "Gentleman" because there were five willow trees next to his house. There were five willow trees next to his house. He was a quiet man, not very talkative. He did not seek honor or material gain. He likes to read, but does not indulge in fault-finding. Whenever he understood something he was so happy that he forgot to eat. He likes to drink; but because
of poverty he cannot get it often. His relatives and old acquaintances knew that occasionally he would be invited to drink; and whenever he went, he was sure to drink all the wine he could, or to get very drunk. He would drink all the wine he could or get very drunk every time he went; if he wasn't drunk, he would retire, not caring to stay or leave at all. His house was bare around him, barely enough to protect him from the wind and rain. He was at home in a tattered woolen coat he wore, and the kitchen utensils were often found empty. Yet he was very much at home. He often took pleasure in writing as a way of making his point; and he was determined to persevere to the end. He was determined to persevere to the end, indifferent to material gain or loss.
  Words of praise said: Qian Lou's wife once said, "Do not worry about being poor, and are not keen on becoming rich and official. This probably refers to people like Mr. Wuliu, right? He drank wine and composed poems at the same time, feeling happy because of the ambition he had set. I wonder if he was from 5241 - 5209 B.C.? Or is it someone from a legendary ancient tribe name?