英语作文:汶川地震含翻译 篇1
  It should be noted that the earthquake disaster relief is not just a matter of the Government. As the face of ever, a major natural disaster, the government's influence, life-saving operations, but also relies on public and non-governmental organizations surmount.
  Including encouraging the spirit of the people of disaster areas, material support, including positive and practical actions, such as blood donation, both will have a positive effect rescue operations. Wenchuan after the earthquake, many enterprises and individuals, has begun an emergency donation of property, to the most needed areas. Non-disaster areas the people's blessings and encouragement, people have fully felt the warmth and firm national strength.
  No Valentine's love of natural disasters. In a battle to save the lives of all people, the victory will come after a disaster test of the Chinese nation.网上转账要手续费吗
英语作文:汶川地震含翻译 篇2
  It should be noted that the earthquake disaster relief is not just a matter of the Government. As the face of ever, a major natural disaster,not only rely onthe government's influence, but also rely on public and non-governmental organizations' help.
  Encouraging the spirit of the people of disaster areas, material support andpositive and
practical actions, such as blood donation, will have a positive effect onrescue operations. After the Wenchuanearthquake, many enterprises and individuals, has begun an emergency donation of property, to the most needed areas.The people's blessings and encouragementin non-disaster areasmake people have fully felt the warmth and firm national strength.
  In a battle to save the lives of all people, the victory will come after a disaster test of the Chinese nation.
英语作文:汶川地震含翻译 篇3
  Wenchuan, a small city, was destroyed by the earthquake. Many people were buried underground. Many houses were collapsed.
  The army comes to help people save some people who were buried underground. People said thanks to them.
  The force of the earthquake is very big. But people don't afraid it. People around the world contributed money to Wenchuan. We wish Wenchuan will become more and more beautiful.
  What an unbelievable thing it is! Their great spirits showed the powerful life vitality of humans! However, they must keep fighting against the death .Many schools were destroyed and there were many students and teachers who left us forever. Sadness, hopelessness and different kinds of danger spreaded out here and there!
  But ,fortunately ,love is around us :the Communist party helps us ,the army helps us ,the
people all over the world help us .They offer us with money ,goods, love and so on !For example ,li Lian ji, a warm-hearted man ,offered us with 20 million yuan !
  With the help of the such a large love, we will over come the damage of the earthquake and face our beautiful future!
凤旭与锦觅双修有几次>何润东和李沁  军队来帮助人们拯救一些被埋在地下的人。人们对他们表示感谢。
英语作文:汶川地震含翻译 篇4
  In the May 12, 2008, in the Chuan Wenchuan, since 1949 than have taken place in Tangshan earthquake also serious natural disasters - 7.8 earthquake. So far, since the advent of the disaster, the death toll reached 28,000 people, injured 190,000 people, this figure could not imagine, the site slowly climbing the figures, it is Jiuxin, is sad.