How to keep safe?
As  teenagers, we  should  always  keep  safety  in  mind. But  how  can  we  keep   safe? Here  are  some  of  my  suggestions.   
First, you  have  to  be  careful  about  the  persons  you  want  to  make  friends with  especially  online  friends . Not  everyone  around  you  is  friendly  to  you Second,if  you are  in  danger  ,you  should  call  the  police  for  help  as  soon  as  possible. Because you ought  to  be  protected  safely  before  being  done  harm  to  by  the  bad  man. Also 端午节吃粽子寓意,it  is  very  important  for  us  to  eat  healthily  bad  safely .Don’t  eat  food  that  has  gone  bad. Last  but  not  least ,we  should  pay  more  attention  to  the  traffic ,we  aren’t  allowed  to  swim  in  the  rivers  or 现在油价是多少 swim  outside  alone  without  permission.  
How To Keep Safe in School(2010广东省中考英语作文)
Do you know that our school life could be dangerous if we are not careful enough ? For example,last month,three children ran after each other fast on the playground.One of children hurt his leg.And he stayed in hospital for a week. From this story,I want to give some suggestions to every student and teacher.I think students should walk but not run on the playground or in the hallway.The teachers should take good care of their students and prevent them from running.In the end, I'm sure that everybody will pay attention to their safety at school.
Keeping safe at school
It’s important for us to keep safe at school and it will make us study better and live more happily. In order to keep safe at school, we must do like these.
徐佳颖图片First, be in order when we are going upstairs or downstairs. Second, make sure to be safe when we are doing sports. Try not to be hurt. Third, know about some knowledge of safety. It’s helpful to us.
If we follow the advice, we’ll make ourselves safe at school.
Keeping safe on the road
It's important for us to keep safe on the road. There are many buses, cars and people on the roads. The roads are very busy. To keep ourselves safe, we must follow the traffic rules.
First, walk or ride on the right side of the road. Make sure it’s safe when you across the road. Second, never play on the road, it's dangerous. Third, keep in order when you take a bus.
    If we do like these, we'll be safe on the road.
How to keep safe when an earthquake happens?
It's important for us to keep safe when an earthquake happens.We should pay attention to the following                                        Firstly, we must keep quiet, and then move to a safe location quickly, such as under the hard tables.Secondly, we 摆地摊什么赚钱should protect our faces and heads with 三八妇女节的祝福短语hands or other soft things.Thirdly, when the shake stops surely, we should run out as soon as possible and try to be far away from buildings.If you are outside, remember to keep away from tall buildings.Last but not the least, don't take the elevator at this moment. 
How to protect yourself in a fire
宋茜青春不败Many fires happen in China every year.Many people are hurt or die in the fire.Knowing some ways to protect yourself wil help to keep safe in the fire. 
When a fire happens, remember,the most important thing is to stay calm. You should call 119 at once.If the fire isnot very serious, Turn off all the lights and gas. Find some clothes and make them wet. Put on the wet clothes, cover your face and run out of the building. Donot jump out of the window or take a lift. It is dangerous. If you cannot run out of the room, remember the safest place is close to water, like washroom.. 
Remember these suggestions above, you must protect yourself from a fire.