房屋产权咨询The National Day is coming. On this special day, I'm so excited.
中国移动网积分商城At the beginning of this day, I will go to the square near my house with my parents and watch the national flag raising ceremony. It's so grand and I can feel the solemn atmosphere. Then I will go to the park with my friends. We will play some interesting games. We will sing and dance and have a good time.
娄艺潇潜规则门事件In the afternoon, I will go to the supermarket with my parents to buy some food for the National Day dinner. We will have a big dinner with all my family members. We will talk and laugh and enjoy the delicious food.
At night, I will watch the National Day fireworks with my family. It's so beautiful. Then I will go to bed with a happy mood.
乐易玲I love the National Day. It's a special day for all of us.