关于国庆节英语作文范文带翻译:我骄傲 我是中国人
    10月1日那天,我早早的就把电视打开,坐在一旁等待着我们国家60周年国庆庆典的开始,”咚咚'”十点的钟声响了,这个举国欢腾的喜庆时刻终于来到了。    On October 1, I turned on the TV early, sat by and waited for the beginning of the 60th National Day celebration of our country, “Dong Dong” at ten o'clock, and the jubilant time of the whole country finally came.    只见电视屏幕上,冉冉升起了五星红旗,胡主席乘坐车牌为京V02009的黑轿车开始检阅部队,胡主席高兴的对战士们说:”同志们辛苦了”。战士们用洪亮的声音回应着”为人民服务”!www.zuowenla    On the TV screen, a five-star red flag was raised. President Hu began to review the troops in a black car with a license plate of Beijing v0209. President Hu said happily to the soldiers, “comrades have worked hard.”. The soldiers responded to “serve the people” with a loud voice!    分列式阅兵开始了,士兵们整齐划一的步伐,让人激动不已。其中水兵方队最为引人注目,他们穿着洁白的军装,踏着整齐的步伐,如果你从侧面看,士兵的脚下犹如白的浪花在翻滚。14个徒步方队走完后,就是30个武器装备方队了,一辆辆装甲车,一台台大炮展现在大家的眼前,这时我想起了电视上放的60年前开国大典上,我们缴获敌人的大炮只能用驴车拉着走过天安门,那场景真让人瓷砖十大品牌排名>杨雪
张嘉倪资料感到遗憾,但是如今,我们自己生产的兵器全部用最好的装甲车来装载。这时12个空中方队呼啸而至,上百架战斗机从天安门广场掠过,这让我不由的又想起60年前的庆典,那时我们的飞机很少,而且是”万国”牌,为了显示空中力量,我们的17架飞机,不得不来回飞了2遍。如今我们的庆典再也不会出现以往的这些情景了。我们所展示的最先进的武器装备再也不是”万国”牌的了。它们都是我们国家自己研发生产的。它们充分的展示了我们国家强大的实力。    At the beginning of the parade, the soldiers took a uniform step, which was very exciting. Among them, the Marines are the most eye-catching. They are wearing white uniforms and following a neat pace. If you look from the side, the soldiers' feet are like white waves rolling. After 14 hiking teams, there are 30 weapons and equipment teams. An armored vehicle and a cannon are displayed in front of you. At this time, I think of the opening ceremony of 60 years ago on TV. It's a pity that we can only use donkey carts to pull the cannon captured by the enemy to walk through Tiananmen Gate. But now, all the weapons we produce are equipped with the best equipment A car to load. At that time, 12 air squadrons came and hundreds of fighters flied across Tian'anmen Square, which reminds me of the celebration 60 years ago. At that time, our plane
s were very few, and they were the “all nations” brand. In order to show the air power, 17 of our planes had to fly back and forth twice. Now our celebrations will never be the same again. The most advanced weapons and equipment we have shown are no longer the “all nations” brand. They are all developed and produced by our country. They fully demonstrate the strength of our country.    啊!我们中国强大了!我们中国军队强大了!看着威武的解放军,看着先进的武器装备,我热泪盈眶,我们再也不怕外国的侵略了,生活在强大的祖国的怀抱中,我们更安全,我们更幸福!    Ah! China is stronger! China's army is stronger! Looking at the powerful PLA and advanced weapons and equipment, my eyes are filled with tears. We are no longer afraid of foreign aggression. Living in the arms of a strong motherland, we are safer and happier!    我要向全世界宣告:我骄傲!我是中国人!    I want to announce to the whole world: I am proud! I am Chinese!