    A Happy Home Away From Home
    Living in a dormitory is a new and exciting experience for me. When I first moved into the dorms, I felt a little scared and homesick. Everything was so different from living at home with my parents. But after just a short while, the dormitory started to feel like a second home to me. That's because of my wonderful roommates who have become like family.
    I share a room with three other girls - Lily, Emma, and Sofia. At first, we were all shy around each other. But we quickly became the best of friends. We stay up late at night giggling and whispering after lights out. We tell scary stories and funny jokes. We share our hopes and dreams. It's like having a sleepover with your best friends every single night!
    The four of us all have our own little quirks that make us unique. Lily is a total bookworm. She's always got her nose stuck in a novel. Emma is a ball of energy - she's always running around and being silly which makes us all laugh. Sofia is an amazing artist and she's teaching me how to draw. And me? Well, I just try to be a good friend to all of them.
    Even though we all have our differences, we respect each other. We make sure to keep our room clean and tidy so that nobody feels uncomfortable. If one of us is having a bad day, the others will cheer her up with hugs and kind words. We take turns using the bathroom in the mornings so nobody is late. It's all about compromise and being considerate of one another.
    But living in such close quarters can also lead to disagreements sometimes. Like if Lily is trying to read while Emma and I are being too loud and goofy. Or if Sofia has her art supplies spread out all over the place. Instead of fighting, we've learned to communicate openly and find solutions. Our resident advisor Ms. Jackson taught us strategies for resolving conflicts in a calm way. Thanks to her advice, even our biggest arguments blow over pretty quickly once we've all had a chance to listen to each other.
    The dormitory has so many fun activities to bring us all together too. There are movie nights, arts and crafts, sports tournaments, and holiday celebrations throughout the year. My favorite is definitely the big Halloween bash where we all get to dress up in costumes! Last year, the four of us went as characters from Wizard of Oz - I was Dorothy, of course. Getting to make memories like that with my best friends is what dorm life is all about.
四级英语分值分配细则    Even though I miss my parents, living in the dorms hasn't been lonely at all. My roommates have become like a second family to me. We look out for each other through good times and bad. They've made this home away from home a happy and harmonious place. I'll never forget the lifelong friends I've made here. No matter where life takes us after we leave this place, the bond between us four will never be broken. A friend is a present you give yourself, and I've been given the greatest present of all.
    My Wonderful Dormitory Life
    Hello everyone! My name is Emily and I'm a student in 5th grade. I live in the dormitory at my school and I absolutely love it! Today, I want to tell you all about my amazing dormitory life.
    First, let me describe the dormitory building itself. It's a big five-story building painted in cheerful shades of yellow and blue. As you walk inside, there's a large common room with cozy couches, tables for studying, and even a TV! Upstairs are where all the dorm rooms are located.
    My dorm room is on the third floor. I share it with three other girls - Linda, Amy, and Sophie. We each have our own bed, desk, and closet space. The room has two huge windows that let in lots of warm sunlight during the day. My favorite part is the little balcony attached to our room where we can sit outside and enjoy the fresh air.
    Even though we're four very different people, we all get along great! Linda is the artist - she's always doodling or painting beautiful pictures. Amy is a huge bookworm and can quote lines from her favorite novels. Sophie is the athlete and keeps us active by choreogr
aphing silly dances. And me? I'm the resident jokester, always cracking puns to make my friends laugh!
    We take turns doing chores like cleaning up and washing dishes. It's not that hard when we all pitch in. We even have a chore chart and schedule so nothing gets missed. Our room always stays neat and tidy.
    After classes, we hang out together in our room. We discuss our days, share snacks from the cafeteria, and help each other with homework. Sometimes we tell spooky stories and bundle up in our blankets pretending to be scared. Other times we stay up late whispering and giggling about crushes on boys. A dormitory slumber party every night!