    Unit Retirement Medical Insurance Operation Process.
    1. Application for Retirement Medical Insurance.
    The employee shall submit an application for retirement medical insurance to the relevant social security agency.
    The application shall include the employee's personal information, work history, and medical insurance information.
    2. Review and Approval of Application.
    The social security agency shall review the application and verify the employee's eligibility for retirement medical insurance.
    If the employee is eligible, the agency shall issue a retirement medical insurance policy.
    3. Payment of Medical Insurance Premiums.
    The employee shall pay the medical insurance premiums on a monthly basis.
牙科能用医保报销吗    The premiums can be paid through automatic deduction from the employee's pension or through direct payment to the insurance company.
    4. Coverage under Retirement Medical Insurance.
    The retirement medical insurance policy shall cover the employee's medical expenses, including hospitalizations, doctor's visits, and prescription drugs.
    The policy may also cover additional benefits, such as dental and vision care.
    5. Claims Process.
    When the employee incurs medical expenses, he/she shall submit a claim to the insurance company.
    The claim shall include documentation of the medical expenses, such as receipts and invoices.
    The insurance company shall review the claim and make a determination of benefits.
    6. Reimbursement of Medical Expenses.
    If the claim is approved, the insurance company shall reimburse the employee for the covered medical expenses.
    The reimbursement may be paid directly to the employee or to the healthcare provider.