"Green Book" is a powerful and moving film that explores the complex and often fraught relationship between race and class in the United States during the 1960s. The film follows the unlikely friendship between Tony Lip, a working-class Italian-American bouncer, and Dr. Don Shirley, a renowned African-American pianist.
The two men meet in New York City, where Tony is hired to drive Dr. Shirley on a concert tour through the Deep South. As they travel, they encounter prejudice and discrimination at every turn. Tony, who is initially prejudiced against African Americans, gradually comes to respect and admire Dr. Shirley's intelligence, talent, and resilience. In turn, Dr. Shirley helps Tony to overcome his own prejudices and to see the world from a different perspective.
"Green Book" is a beautifully made film with strong performances from Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali. The film's script is sharp and witty, and it provides a nuanced and insightful look at the complexities of race relations in the United States.
"Green Book" is a film that will stay with you long after you see it. It is a powerful and moving story about friendship, prejudice, and the power of human connection.
著名的钢琴家 《绿皮书》是一部在你看完后会长时间留在你心中的电影。这是一个关于友谊、偏见和人类联系力量的强大而感人的故事。