I 注释(Endnotes and In-text Citations)
尾注为在正文需详细注释处的右上方按顺序加注数码①②③……,在全文之后写注文,每条加对应数码, 回行时与上一行注文对齐。脚注为在正文需详细注释处的右上方按顺序加注数码1,2,3……,在当页底部写注文。
例: Rees said, “As key aspects of …in the process” (241).
2 ) 来自专著的直接引语,作者姓名在文中没有出现:
格式:作者姓名 页码
例: The underlying assumption is that language “bound up with culture in multiple and complex ways” (Kramsch 3).
3 ) 来自某篇文章的直接引语,作者姓名在文中已经出现:
格式:发表年份 (无须页码)
例:Ernst Rose submits, “The highly spiritual view of the …alike” (1974).
4 ) 来自某篇文章的直接引语,作者姓名在文中没有出现:
例:“Everything rests on the notion that there is such a thing as ‘just’ words – but there is
n’t” (Bateson 1972)
5 ) 来自专著的间接引语,作者姓名在文中已经出现:
例:According to Alun Rees (1986:234), the writers focus on the unique contribution that each individual learner brings to the learning situation.
6 ) 来自专著的间接引语,作者姓名在文中没有提到:
格式:作者姓名 引文页码
例:It may be true that in the appreciation of medieval art the attitude of the observer is of primary importance (Robertson 136).
Several scholars have studied recent developments in academia in the context of the history of university teaching . Graff).
The authors of Women’s Ways of Knowing make a distinction between” separate knowing “ and “connected knowing” (Belenky et al 100-30)
7 ) 来自文章的间接引语,作者姓名在文中没有提到:
格式:作者姓名 出版年份 (无须页码)
例:It is argued that if communication is to be successful, the people involved need to share the same referential meaning of the words they are using (Byron & Fleming 1999).
8 ) 提到某人的观点与姓名:
例:Peters (1985) proposes that the operation of a rule-based system generates language …
9 )提到某人的观点(没有提到姓名):
格式:作者姓名 发表年份:页码 (该观点来自某一页码)
例:The writers focus on the unique contribution that each individual learner brings to the learning situation (Rees 1986:32).
格式:作者姓名 发表年份(该观点来自某一文献)
A number of studies do not find texts with long series of Themes that derive from a single semantic field (Thompson 1985; Francis 1989/1990).
10 ) 文章提到整本书的书名,不用加注.
11) 参考文献中的条目,如没有作者,只列出题目的著作,夹住中只列出题名,保留双引号:
Due to air pollution, Egypt plans to move the statue of Ramses II from the main railroad station in Cairo to the west bank of the Nile ( “Ancient Pharaoh Statue”).
The annual report revealed substantial progress in fundraising (American Museum of Natural History 12, hereafter AMNH)…. (AMNH 15)
This valuable reference work surveys the major operas of Mozart and Puccini (Newman, vol. 2)
Newman discusses the controversy about the quality of Mozart’s The Magic Flute (2:104-105)
14) 一人多著:引用由一作者多著作的情况,使用题名的简写版+页码。如:
引用Mina Shaughnessy的两个文献:Errors and Expectations : A guide for the Teacher of Basic Writing和“Diving In: An Introduction to Basic Writing.”
Shaughnessy points out that“the beginning writer does not know how writers behave” (Erro
rs 79)
Teachers applauded Shaughnessy’s assertion that “teaching [beginning writers] to write well is not only suitable but challenging work for those who would be teachers and scholars in a democracy’ (“Diving In” 68)
15) 转引资料:转引自非原创文献,使用qtd. in, 如:
Goethe wrote that “it takes more culture to perceive the virtues of The Magic Flute than to point out its defects” (qtd. In Newman 2: 104)
16) 联网资料:
例:“A deconstructive reading is a reading which analyses the specificity of a text’s critical difference from itself” (Net. 2 ).
( 注::Net. 1, Net. 2, Net. 3,……为了便于注明文内引语的出处,在参考文献中按编号顺序列
II. Work Cited
1).作者的姓名(英文作者的姓,名). 书名. 出版地: 出版商, 年份。如果同一作者两本以上同年出版的参考书,在年份后用a,b ,c 等标出。例:
周兆祥,《翻译与人生》,香港:商务印书馆, 1996a。
Winfield, Richard Dien. Law in Civil Society. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1995.
Simonds, Wendy & Barbara Katz Rothman. Centuries of Solace: Grief in Popular Literature. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1992.
Mcpherson, William, et al. English and American Literature: Sources and Strategies for Collection Development. Chicago: American Library Association Press, 1987.