
    第01篇 青蛙王子                        第02篇 猫和老鼠合伙
    第03篇 圣母的孩子                    第04篇 傻小子学害怕
    第05篇 狼和七只小山羊              第06篇 忠实的约翰
    第07篇 好交易                            第08篇 令人叫绝的乐师
    第09篇 十二兄弟                        第10篇 一二流子
    第11篇 小弟弟和小              第12篇 莴苣姑娘
    第13篇 森林中的三个小矮人        第14篇 三个纺纱女
    第15篇 汉赛尔与格莱特              第16篇 三片蛇叶
    第17篇 白蛇                                第18篇 麦草、煤块和豆子
    第19篇 渔夫和他的妻子              第20篇 勇敢的小裁缝
    第21篇 灰姑娘                            第22篇 谜语
    第23篇 老鼠、小鸟和香肠            第24篇 霍勒大妈
    第25篇 七只乌鸦                          第26篇 小红帽
    第27篇 当音乐家去                      第28篇 会唱歌的白骨
    第29篇 魔鬼的三根金发              第30篇 虱子和跳蚤
    第31篇 没有手的姑娘                  第32篇 称心如意的汉斯
    第33篇 三种语言                          第34篇 聪明的爱尔莎
    第35篇 走进天堂的裁缝                第36篇 桌子、金驴和棍子
    第37篇 大拇指汤姆                      第38篇 狐狸太太的婚事
    第39篇 十二个懒汉                      第40篇 强盗新郎
    第41篇 海尔·柯贝斯                  第42篇 教父
    第43篇 特鲁得太太                      第44篇 死神教父
    第45篇 大拇哥游记                      第46篇 费切尔的怪鸟
    第47篇 桧树                                第48篇 老苏丹
    第49篇 六只天鹅                          第50篇 玫瑰公主
    第51篇 鸟弃儿                            第52篇 画眉嘴国王
    第53篇 白雪公主                          第54篇 背囊、帽子和号角
    第55篇 爱人罗兰                          第56篇 侏儒妖
    第57篇 金鸟                                第58篇 狗和麻雀
    第59篇 弗雷德里克和凯瑟琳        第60篇 两兄弟
    第61篇 小农夫                              第62篇 蜂王
    第63篇 三片羽毛                          第64篇 金鹅
    第65篇 千皮兽                              第66篇 兔子新娘
    第67篇 十二个猎人                      第68篇 约丽丹和约雷德尔
    第69篇 三个幸运儿                      第70篇 六个人走遍天下
    第71篇 狼和人                              第72篇 狼和狐狸
    第73篇 母狼高司普和狐狸            第74篇 狐狸和猫
    第75篇 石竹花                              第76篇 聪明的格蕾特
    第77篇 祖父和孙子                      第78篇 女水妖
    第79篇 小母鸡之死                      第80篇 拉斯廷老兄
    第81篇 赌鬼汉塞尔                      第82篇 傻瓜汉斯
    第83篇 汉斯成亲                        第84篇 金娃娃
    第85篇 狐狸和鹅                      第86篇 穷人和富人
    第87篇 少女和狮子                      第88篇 牧鹅姑娘
    第89篇 年轻的巨人                      第90篇 土地神
    第91篇 金山王                            第92篇 乌鸦
    第93篇 聪明的农家女                  第94篇 老希尔德布朗
    第95篇 三只小鸟                          第96篇 生命之水
    第97篇 万事通大夫                      第98篇 玻璃瓶中的妖怪
    第99篇 魔鬼的邋遢兄弟                第100篇 熊皮人
    第101篇 山雀和熊                        第102篇 甜粥
    第103篇 聪明的老兄                    第104篇 蛤蟆的故事
    第105篇 穷磨房小工和猫              第106篇 两个旅行家
    第107篇 刺猬汉斯                        第108篇 寿衣
    第109篇 丛林中的守财奴              第110篇 技艺高超的猎人
    第111篇 来自天堂的连枷              第112篇 两个国王的孩子
    第113篇 聪明的小裁缝                第114篇 清白的太阳揭露了真相
    第115篇 蓝灯                                第116篇 犟孩子
    第117篇 三个军医                        第118篇 七个斯瓦比亚人
    第119篇 三个小伙计                    第120篇 魔鬼和他的祖母
    第121篇 无所畏惧的王子              第122篇 魔草
    第123篇 森林中的老妇人              第124篇 三兄弟
    第125篇 忠实和不忠实的费迪南  第126篇 铁炉
    第127篇 懒纺妇                          第128篇 四个聪明的兄弟
    第130篇 美丽的卡特琳莱叶和彼夫帕夫波儿特里尔
    第129篇 一只眼、两只眼和三只眼 第131篇 狐狸和马
    第132篇 十二个跳舞的公主          第133篇 六个仆人
    第134篇 白新娘和黑新娘            第135篇 铁汉斯
    第136篇 三位黑公主                    第137篇 拉家常
    第138篇 小羊羔与小鱼儿            第139篇 旅行去
    第140篇 小毛驴                          第141篇 不肖之子
    第142篇 萝卜                              第143篇 返老还童
    第144篇 上帝的动物和魔鬼的动物
    第145篇 三个懒汉                      第146篇 聪明的小牧童
    第147篇 星星银元                      第148篇 两枚硬币
    第149篇 挑媳妇                          第150篇 扔掉的亚麻
    第151篇 极乐世界里的故事        第152篇 两个神秘的小鞋匠
    第153篇 迪斯的奇谈怪论      第154篇 谜语童话
    第155篇 白雪与红玫                    第156篇 聪明的小伙计
    第157篇 水晶棺材                      第158篇 懒鬼哈利和胖婆特琳娜
    第159篇 怪鸟格莱弗                    第160篇 壮士汉斯
    第161篇 天堂里的农夫                第162篇 瘦莉莎
    第163篇 林中小屋                      第164篇 同甘共苦
    第165篇 篱笆国王                      第166篇 鲽鱼
    第167篇 鸬鹚和戴胜                  第168篇 猫头鹰
    第169篇 月亮                              第170篇 寿命
    第171篇 死神的使者                    第172篇 鞋匠师傅
    第173篇 井边的牧鹅女                第174篇 夏娃的孩子们
    第175篇 池中水妖                        第176篇 小人儿的礼物
    第177篇 巨人和裁缝                    第178篇 钉子
    第179篇 坟中的穷少年                第180篇 真新娘
    第181篇 野兔和刺猬                    第182篇 纺锤、梭子和针
    第183篇 农夫与魔鬼                    第184篇 小海兔的故事
    第185篇 智者神偷                        第186篇 鼓手
    第187篇 麦穗的故事                    第188篇 坟
    第189篇 老汉伦克朗                    第190篇 水晶球
    第191篇 少女玛琳                        第192篇 牛皮靴
    第193篇 金钥匙                            第194篇 森林中的圣约瑟
    第195篇 十二门徒                        第196篇 贫穷和谦卑指引天堂之路
    第197篇 上帝的食物                    第198篇 三根绿枝
    第199篇 圣母的小酒杯                第200篇 老妈妈
    第201篇 榛树枝
    The bo某, however, did not sink, but floated like a boat, and not a drop of water made its way into it. And it floated to within two miles of the King"s chief city, where there was a mill, and it came to a stand-still at the mill-dam. A miller"s boy, who by good luck was standing there, noticed it and pulled it out with a hook, thinking that he had found a great treasure, but when he opened it there lay a pretty boy inside, quite fresh and lively. He took him to the miller and his wife, and as they had no children they were glad, and said, "God has given him to us." They took great care of the foundling, and he grew up in all goodness.
    It happened that once in a storm, the King went into the mill, and he asked the mill-folk if the tall youth was their son. "No," answered they, "he"s a foundling. Fourteen years ago he floated down to the mill-dam in a bo某, and the mill-boy pulled him out of the water." Then the King knew that it was none other than the luck-child which he had thrown into the water, and he said, "My good people, could not the youth take a letter to the Queen; I will give him two gold pieces as a reward" - "Just as the King commands," answered they, and they told the boy to hold himself in readiness. Then the King wrote a letter to the Queen, w
herein he said, "As soon as the boy arrives with this letter, let him be killed and buried, and all must be done before I come home."
    The boy set out with this letter; but he lost his way, and in the evening came to a large forest. In the darkness he saw a small light; he went towards it and reached a cottage. When he went in, an old woman was sitting by the fire quite alone. She started when she saw the boy, and said, "Whence do you come, and whither are you going" - "I come from the mill," he answered, "and wish to go to the Queen, to whom I am taking a letter; but as I have lost my way in the forest I should like to stay here over night." - "You poor boy," said the woman, "you have come into a den of thieves, and when they come home they will kill you." - "Let them come," said the boy, "I am not afraid; but I am so tired that I cannot go any farther:" and he stretched himself upon a bench and fell asleep.
梦见强盗进家    Soon afterwards the robbers came, and angrily asked what strange boy was lying there "Ah," said the old woman, "it is an innocent child who has lost himself in the forest, and out of pity I have let him come in; he has to take a letter to the Queen." The robbers opened the letter and read it, and in it was written that the boy as soon as he arrived should be put
to death. Then the hard-hearted robbers felt pity, and their leader tore up the letter and wrote another, saying, that as soon as the boy came, he should be married at once to the King"s daughter. Then they let him lie quietly on the bench until the ne某t morning, and when he awoke they gave him the letter, and showed him the right way.
    And the Queen, when she had received the letter and read it, did as was written in it, and had a splendid wedding-feast prepared, and the King"s daughter was married to the luck-child, and as the youth was handsome and agreeable she lived with him in joy and contentment.
    After some time the King returned to his palace and saw that the prophecy was fulfilled, and the luck-child married to his daughter. "How has that come to pass" said he; "I gave quite another order in my letter." So the Queen gave him the letter, and said that he might see for himself what was written in it. The King read the letter and saw quite well that it had been e某changed for the other. He asked the youth what had become of the letter entrusted to him, and why he had brought another instead of it. "I know nothing about it," answered he; "it must have been changed in the night, when I slept in the forest."
    The King said in a passion, "You shall not have everything quite so much your own way; whosoever marries my daughter must fetch me from hell three golden hairs from the head of the devil; bring me what I want, and you shall keep my daughter." In this way the King hoped to be rid of him for ever. But the luck-child answered, "I will fetch the golden hairs, I am not afraid of the Devil."
    Thereupon he took leave of them and began his journey. The road led him to a large town, where the watchman by the gates asked him what his trade was, and what he knew. "I know everything," answered the luck-child. "Then you can do us a favour," said the watchman, "if you will tell us why our market-fountain, which once flowed with wine has become dry, and no longer gives even water" - "That you shall know," answered he; "only wait until I come back." Then he went farther and came to another town, and there also the gatekeeper asked him what was his trade, and what he knew. "I know everything," answered he. "Then you can do us a favour and tell us why a tree in our town which once bore golden apples now does not even put forth leaves" - "You shall know that," answered he; "only wait until I come back." Then he went on and came to a wide river over which he
must go. The ferryman asked him what his trade was, and what he knew. "I know everything," answered he. "Then you can do me a favour," said the ferryman, "and tell me why I must always be rowing backwards and forwards, and am never set free" - "You shall know that," answered he; "only wait until I come back."
    When he had crossed the water he found the entrance to Hell. It was black and sooty within, and the Devil was not at home, but his grandmother was sitting in a large arm-chair. "What do you want" said she to him, but she did not look so very wicked. "I should like to have three golden hairs from the devil"s head," answered he, "else I cannot keep my wife." - "That is a good deal to ask for," said she; "if the devil comes home and finds you, it will cost you your life; but as I pity you, I will see if I cannot help you." She changed him into an ant and said, "Creep into the folds of my dress, you will be safe there." - "Yes," answered he, "so far, so good; but there are three things besides that I want to know: why a fountain which once flowed with wine has become dry, and no longer gives even water; why a tree which once bore golden apples does not even put forth leaves; and why a ferry-man must always be going backwards and forwards, and is never set free" - "Those are difficult questi
ons," answered she, "but only be silent and quiet and pay attention to what the devil says when I pull out the three golden hairs."
    As the evening came on, the devil returned home. No sooner had he entered than he noticed that the air was not pure. "I smell man"s flesh," said he; "all is not right here." Then he pried into every corner, and searched, but could not find anything. His grandmother scolded him. "It has just been swept," said she, "and everything put in order, and now you are upsetting it again; you have always got man"s flesh in your nose. Sit down and eat your supper." When he had eaten and drunk he was tired, and laid his head in his grandmother"s lap, and before long he was fast asleep, snoring and breathing heavily. Then the old woman took hold of a golden hair, pulled it out, and laid it down near her. "Oh!" cried the devil, "what are you doing"
    "I have had a bad dream," answered the grandmother, "so I seized hold of your hair." - "What did you dream then" said the devil. "I dreamed that a fountain in a market-place from which wine once flowed was dried up, and not even water would flow out of it; what is the cause of it" - "Oh, ho! if they did but know it," answered the devil; "there is a toad sitting und
er a stone in the well; if they killed it, the wine would flow again."
    He went to sleep again and snored until the windows shook. Then she pulled the second hair out. "Ha! what are you doing" cried the devil angrily. "Do not take it ill," said she, "I did it in a dream." - "What have you dreamt this time" asked he. "I dreamt that in a certain kingdom there stood an apple-tree which had once borne golden apples, but now would not even bear leaves. What, think you, was the reason"
    "Oh! if they did but know," answered the devil. "A mouse is gnawing at the root; if they killed this they would have golden apples again, but if it gnaws much longer the tree will wither altogether. But leave me alone with your dreams: if you disturb me in my sleep again you will get a bo某 on the ear." The grandmother spoke gently to him until he fell asleep again and snored. Then she took hold of the third golden hair and pulled it out. The devil jumped up, roared out, and would have treated her ill if she had not quieted him once more and said, "Who can help bad dreams"
    "What was the dream, then" asked he, and was quite curious. "I dreamt of a ferry-man who complained that he must always ferry from one side to the other, and was never releas
ed. What is the cause of it" - "Ah! the fool," answered the devil; "when any one comes and wants to go across he must put the oar in his hand, and the other man will have to ferry and he will be free." As the grandmother had plucked out the three golden hairs, and the three questions were answered, she let the old serpent alone, and he slept until daybreak. When the devil had gone out again the old woman took the ant out of the folds of her dress, and gave the luck-child his human shape again.
    "There are the three golden hairs for you," said she. "What the Devil said to your three questions, I suppose you heard" - "Yes," answered he, "I heard, and will take care to remember." - "You have what you want," said she, "and now you can go your way." He thanked the old woman for helping him in his need, and left hell well content that everything had turned out so fortunately. When he came to the ferry-man he was e某pected to give the promised answer. "Ferry me across first," said the luck-child, "and then I will tell you how you can be set free," and when he reached the opposite shore he gave him the devil"s advice: "Ne某t time any one comes, who wants to be ferried over, just put the oar in his hand."
    He went on and came to the town wherein stood the unfruitful tree, and there too the watchman wanted an answer. So he told him what he had heard from the devil: "Kill the mouse which is gnawing at its root, and it will again bear golden apples." Then the watchman thanked him, and gave him as a reward two asses laden with gold, which followed him. At last he came to the town whose well was dry. He told the watchman what the devil had said: "A toad is in the well beneath a stone; you must find it and kill it, and the well will again give wine in plenty." The watchman thanked him, and also gave him two asses laden with gold.
    At last the luck-child got home to his wife, who was heartily glad to see him again, and to hear how well he had prospered in everything. To the King he took what he had asked for, the devil"s three golden hairs, and when the King saw the four asses laden with gold he was quite content, and said, "Now all the conditions are fulfilled, and you can keep my daughter. But tell me, dear son-in-law, where did all that gold come from this is tremendous wealth!" - "I was rowed across a river," answered he, "and got it there; it lies on the shore instead of sand." - "Can I too fetch some of it" said the King; and he was quite eager about
it. "As much as you like," answered he. "There is a ferry-man on the river; let him ferry you over, and you can fill your sacks on the other side."
    The greedy King set out in all haste, and when he came to the river he beckoned to the ferry-man to put him across. The ferry-man came and bade him get in, and when they got to the other shore he put the oar in his hand and sprang out. But from this time forth the King had to ferry, as a punishment for his sins. Perhaps he is ferrying still If he is, it is because no one has taken the oar from him.