随着茶叶消费市场不断升温,需求量增大,品牌消费也越来越成为市场上的一种发展趋势 。处于这种时代背景下,很多茶叶企业在品牌建设方面都取得了一定的成效,其中比较显著的是云南大益茶叶集团。
  The scale of China's tea industry is very large, but the scale of tea enterprises is generally relatively small. In the competitive market environment, if tea enterprises want to make a large scale, they must change their thinking of short-term income and profit into the way of sustainable development, and finally break the dilemma of product homogeneity in the tea industry and win the market.
With the increasing demand of tea consumption market, brand consumption has gradually become a trend. In such a market background, many tea enterprises have embarked on the road of brand building ahead of others. Yunnan Dayi tea group is one of them.
At the same time, the continuous expansion of Yunnan Pu'er tea market attracts more and more companies to join in. Both state-owned enterprises and private enterprises join in Pu'er tea industry driven by profits and prospects, which makes the competition of Yunnan Pu'er tea market intensified and the survival pressure of daiyi greater.
In the current Pu'er tea market, price competition and quality competition have no longer dominated the company's survival competition, and brand competition has attracted more and more attention. The trend from the seller's market to the buyer's market requires Dayi to subdivide the Pu'er tea market more strictly and pay attention to the corporate dividend brought by the brand effect.
This paper analyzes the current situation of the brand construction and maintenance of Yunnan Dayi Pu'er tea and the problems existing in the brand construction and maintenance of Dayi tea, which plays an important role in improving the market added value of yipu'er tea products and brand construction and maintenance.
Key words
Dayi Pu'er Tea; Brand construction; integrated marketing