(2022·江苏·泰兴市第一高级中学高三阶段练习)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入  1 个适当单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
权相宇儿子The Beijing Winter Olympics came to a close on February 20 in a touching ceremony, which ___1___(amaze) the world again. ___2___ impressed people most was the performance of “the Willow Twig”. The willow twig is part of the willow tree and in traditional Chinese culture. It ___3___(give) as a parting gift between friends.
The performers beautifully interacted with a LED floor to show imagery of the willow, ___4___ that showed the ___5___(emotion) symbolism of “a bittersweet goodbye.” The theme of “one world, one fa
mily” continued to be evident through the Games as 365 different individuals all held a willow branch ___6___ (represent) “the unwavering spirit of remembering the departed through the 365 days of a year.”
Thomas Bach, international Olympic Committee president, delivered a speech, ___7___ he spoke highly of the performance of the ___8___(compete). “This unifying power of the Olympic Games is stronger than the forces that want to divide us,” he said. “Each and every one of you tried to achieve your personal best. We were deeply touched by ___9___ you were wishing and cheering for your opponents, regardless of their race, religion or nationality, ____10____(achieve) their best as well.”
Although his quadruple Axel (阿克塞尔四周跳) challenge in Olympic free skate fell short, Yuzuru Hanyu still somehow made history. ____11____ a last-ditch attempt to save a medal, the “Ice Prince” took on figure skating’s most difficult jump-the 4 1/2-rotation quadruple Axel. Unexpectedly, ____12____ 27-year-old under-rotated and stumbled upon landing. He fell again attempting a quadr
uple Salchow (萨霍夫四周跳).
Taking a bow to the ____13____ (recognize) from audience and touching the ice before stepping off the rink at the Capital Indoor Stadium, the two-time defending champion cut a lonely figure sitting by himself as he awaited his score, ____14____ (strengthen) the feeling that this
could have been his swan song. “I made a big mistake in the quad Salchow, but I performed well to the music Heaven and Earth. I ____15____ (regret) the performance in the short program the other day, but I did my best today,” said Hanyu.
Hanyu started skating at the age of 4, and made his international debut(首次亮相) at the 2008 Junior Grand Prix Merano Cup, where he finished ____16____(five). After joining the adult ranks, he quickly began to rack up(累计) silverware and milestones. He became the first Asian ____17____(win) men’s singles Olympic gold at the 2014 Sochi Games.
China’s Jin Boyang, who performed ____18____ (energetic) and finished ninth, also expressed admiration. “It’s incredible that he took on the challenge of the quad axel at the age of 27 at his third Olympics. It shows his hunger to keep striving for ____19____ (great) performances, which is _____20_____ the spirit of sports and the Olympics is all about. We can all learn from it,” Jin said.
(2022·贵州·凯里一中高一开学考试)When most people picture bobsled from the Winter Olympics or from the film “Cool Runnings”, they usually see four people, or at least two, energetically pushing a sled and then leaping in before racing down an icy course.
But differently, in monobob, an event making its first Olympic show at the 2022 Beijing Winter Games, one sledder does it all: push, leap and drive, and at this year’s Games, every one of the competitors will be a woman.
The event is one of seven additions to the Olympics program for 2022 and the only one of the groups that will be competed only by women. Also being added are freestyle skiing big air jumping events for men and women and a handful of mixed-gender events.
Monobob, however, may get the most attention. The event was attracting the International Olympic Committee in many ways, but particularly because of its competitive advantages. The cost of entry for the smaller sleds—a monobob might cost about $15,000, while a two-person is about $70,000—and the need for only a single sledder has fair results: Brazil and Jamaica won medals at last season’s World Cup and a Cambodian recorded in the top ten.
In addition, all monobob sleds will come from the same producer, which partly weakens the technological advantages that wealthy nations have long enjoyed. In all the years of bobsled at the Games, only Germany, Switzerland, the United States, Canada and Italy have won more than one gold medal.
21.Why is “monobob” new at the 2022 Beijing Winter Games?
A.It has four, or at least two sledders during the game.
B.It is its first show and competitors must be women.
C.Sledders can push, leap and drive on icy course.
D.It has only one man or woman sledder.
22.How many events were added to the 2022 Beijing Winter Games?
23.Why did the “monobob” be chosen as an event by International Olympic Committee? A.Because it has competitive advantages in cost and result.
B.Because it gets the most attention from the public.
C.Because it costs more on every sledder for entry.
D.Because it meets the need for unfair results of sledder.
24.According to the author, what does he think of the “monobob”?
A group of doctors has been specially trained in skiing skills in China over the last four years in ____25____(prepare) for providing medical treatment during the Beijing Winter Olympics.
In the field, if there's an accident, ski doctors have to be ____26____ the scene in four minutes with a 10-kilogram medical bag, ____27____ they have to deal with the injuries and remove injured athletes from the track in just 15 minutes.
The ____28____ (great) challenge for alpine skiing doctors is not only skiing skillfully on professional mountain courses with a gradient (倾斜度) of around 70 degrees, but ____29____ (stop) accurately on smooth courses, according to media reports.
When foreign ski doctors first came to China before ____30____ opening ceremony, they may have had some doubts because there were no professional ski doctors in China before that point. After communication and working together, they have seen that our professional and skiing skills are ____31____ (actual) very strong, Bai said.
The doctors ____32____ (equip) with 5G walkie-talkies as well as large medical bags filled with medical essentials. “If the injured remain conscious, we communicate with ____33____ in English. We had a lot of English lessons during our training,” said Li Qiyi, a 49-year-old surgeon usually ____34____ (station) at Xiehe Hospital.
(2022·江西·一模)Here is a brief guide to every sport at the Winter Olympics in Beijing.
Alpine skiing, 11 gold medals awarded
The disciplines include downhill, the fastest event; super-G, with more turns added; giant slalom (回转), still more turns; and slalom, the slowest and most technical event.
Biathlon (冬季两项), 11 golds
Take the endurance test of cross-country skiing and shake it up very few kilometers by having athletes stop to shoot at targets. Too many misses, and skiers must take a penalty lap. Germany, France, Sweden and Norway should dominate the medals.
Figure skating, 5 golds
The strong Russian team swept the top three spots in the women’s competition at the last world tournament, with now 17-year-old Anna Shcherbakova on top. American Nathan Chen’s potential duel (对决) with Y uzuru Hanyu of Japan, the 2014 and 2018 Olympic champion, could be a highlight of the Games.
In the pairs event, Sui Wenjing and Han Cong could bring the gold to the host nation.
Freestyle sking, 13 golds
There are six disciplines. In the aerials and the new big air event, skiers launch themselves of a ramp and perform flips (空翻) and spins. In half pipe, they perform in a U-shaped bowl, and in slope style, they ski down a course with rails and jumps. In moguls (雪上技巧赛), they ski over a bumpy course and are judged on turns, jumps and speed. The only event that is timed instead of judged is ski cross (障碍追逐赛), in which skiers race against one another in groups of four.
Speedskating, 23 golds
Long-track speed skating is dominated by the Dutch. They won seven of 14 gold medals in 2018 and eight of 12 in 2014. Short-track provided China with its gold of the 2018 Games. South Korea will also be a major contender.
35.How many disciplines does Alpine skiing include?
36.Which country mayn’t dominate the medals from Biathlon?
A.Russia.B.Sweden.C.Norway.D.Germany. 37.Which of the following is not true?
A.Anna Shcherbakova won the first place at the last world toumament.
B.Nathan Chen’s potential duel with Yuzuru Hanyu could be a highlight.
C.Sui Wenjing and Han Cong could bring a gold to China.
D.The Dutch won 14 gold medals in long-track speedskating in 2018.
3.was given
7.during which
考查时态。句意:2月20日,北京冬季奥运会在一个感人的仪式上落下帷幕,再次震惊了世界。根据上文on February 20可知用一般过去时。故填amazed。
考查时态语态。句意:它是朋友们离别时的礼物。主语与谓语构成被动关系,且描述过去发生的事情应用一般过去时的被动语态,主语为it,谓语用单数。故填was given。
考查代词。句意:表演者与LED地板完美地互动,展示了柳树的形象,这一形象表现了“苦乐参半的再见”的情感象征。此处为限制性定语从句,that为关系代词,需用代词one作先行词,指代imagery of the willow。故填one。
考查定语从句。句意:国际奥委会主席托马斯·巴赫发表了讲话,他在讲话中高度评价了比赛的表现。此处为“介词+关系代词”引导非限制性定语从句修饰先行词speech,表示“在……期间”应用介词during,关系代词which指代物。介词+关系代词引导的定语从句,指物,只能用which,故填during which。