2023年高考英语新热点时文阅读-历史故事01(2022·湖南师大附中高三阶段练习)200,000 miles from Earth, the crew of the third manned mission to the Moon faced an astronaut’s worst nightmare: an explosion on the spacecraft. It’s what hap...
2023年高考英语新热点时文阅读-历史故事01(2022·湖南师大附中高三阶段练习)200,000 miles from Earth, the crew of the third manned mission to the Moon faced an astronaut’s worst nightmare: an explosion on the spacecraft. It’s what hap...
3-古文小品咀华-清-王符曾间,而岂山中之人哉!排宕可喜然方山子世有勋阀,当得官,使从事于其间,今已显闻。而其家在洛阳,园宅壮丽与公侯等,河北有田,岁得帛千匹,亦足以富乐。皆弃不取,独来穷山中,此岂无得而然哉?余闻光、黄间多异人,往往徉狂垢污,不可得而见。方山子倘见之欤?不了 曲折顿挫,慷慨淋漓,全部史记供其驱使。文至髯苏,真如挟飞仙以遨游。锡周 日喻 苏轼生而眇者不识日,问之有目者。或告之曰:「...
2020英语时文阅读---母亲节阅读一It was Mother's Day,but the young mother was a little unhappy,because she was 800 miles away from her parents.In the morning she phoned her mother to wish her a happy Mother's Day.&...
“宋初三先生”的学术贡献作者:杨雪来源:《商业文化》2011年第08期 摘 要:胡瑗、孙复和石介被称为“宋初三先生”上古十大神兽,是汉宋学术在转型期间开风气的关键人物。其贡献主要体现在三个方面:一是提倡儒家道统,批判佛老时文;二是注重义理说经,批判章句注疏;三是致力内圣外王,讲求明体达用。这些都对后来的程朱理学和“濂洛之学”有着很大的影响。&n...