Tiffany Alvord的baby i love you中英双语歌词
There are three words that I've been dying to say to you 有三个单个字我非常想说给你听Burns in my heart, like a fire that aren’t going out 它像火焰烧灼我心且挥之不去There are three words, and I want you to know they...
2024-03-02 27 0
There are three words that I've been dying to say to you 有三个单个字我非常想说给你听Burns in my heart, like a fire that aren’t going out 它像火焰烧灼我心且挥之不去There are three words, and I want you to know they...
熔炼的拼音『熔炼的拼音』的基本释义拼音:rónɡ liàn注音:ㄖㄨㄥˊㄌ一ㄢˋ繁体:熔煉五笔:opw oanw词性:近义词:『熔炼的拼音』的意思及详解词语解释⒈熔化冶炼。英melt;引证解释恰的拼音⒈熔化炼制。引柯灵《香雪海·真实、想象和虚构》:“生活却只是一种粗糙的原料,恰如未经熔炼的拼音的金沙。”⒉喻培养。例如:把他们熔炼的拼音成为工农化的抗日革命干部。『熔炼的拼音』(rong,lian,)...