林俊杰《From The Ashes》歌词(专辑:无拘)
From The AshesThough the odds aren't in my favour纵然我胜算不大I will soar above the mountain我仍要笑傲山之巅I won't give in or surrender屈服投降绝不在我的选择之列I'm the phoenix in my head在我心中我正是那涅槃的凤凰All the scars beneath my...
2024-07-11 60 0
From The AshesThough the odds aren't in my favour纵然我胜算不大I will soar above the mountain我仍要笑傲山之巅I won't give in or surrender屈服投降绝不在我的选择之列I'm the phoenix in my head在我心中我正是那涅槃的凤凰All the scars beneath my...