make oneself +过去分词造句如下:寻作文1.I need to make myself understood.帧(我需要让自己被理解。)2.She tried to make herself comfortable in the new environment.刘玉翠(她努力让自己在新环境中感觉舒适。)收视率高的韩剧>利润分配怎么算3.He had to make himself h...
2023-09-12 43 0
make oneself +过去分词造句如下:寻作文1.I need to make myself understood.帧(我需要让自己被理解。)2.She tried to make herself comfortable in the new environment.刘玉翠(她努力让自己在新环境中感觉舒适。)收视率高的韩剧>利润分配怎么算3.He had to make himself h...
2011年9月发布全国报刊投稿和稿费标准(2011-09-18 08:52:13 2011.9.18阅读(8)下一篇:组诗发表于《长江... |返回日志列表∙ 赞赞赞赞∙ 转载∙ 分享∙ 评论∙ 复制地址∙ 更多北京:《诗刊》sk1957@vip.163《人民文学》[诗歌]renminwx@263《青年文学》 qnwx-wx@sohu或qnwx@sohu《中...