1. Think of the one thing that you've always wanted, see it in your mind's eye and feel in in your heart - 想一件你渴望得到的恭喜,用你的心去看,去感觉。
2. When we return to the village, you will marry me. - 一回村子,你就嫁给我 (看起来一般,但是说的还是蛮霸道总裁的)
3. You take me as your prisoner and now you want to have dinner with me, are you insane ? - 你把我囚禁再次,现在你却想跟我共进晚餐,你疯了吗?
备注:电影里面用的是降调,反问语气,说的是你真是疯了! 其实have dinner在国外习俗里面蛮重的,如果是have dinner with me就是比较正式的那种进餐了;不知道这个的小白们看到会觉得,都抓你来了让你吃个晚饭咋的了。
4. I never thanked you for not leaving me to be eaten by wolves - 我还没感谢你,没有把我留在那里葬身狼腹 - 这里标志着野兽人性化的转变,语气都温柔了,不过话说回来。。你看起来比狼要凶恶啊
5. 这句不是台词,觉得好就放上来了。。。
If beauty and the beast teaches us one thing, that is the looks don't matter as long as you're a billionaire who owns a castle - 美女与野兽教给我们一个道理,就是长相不重要,前提是你得是家里有大城堡的亿万富翁
6.If you love somebody, let them go. If they return, they were always yours. If they don't they never were. - 如果你爱一个人,让他们走。如果他们回来了,那说明本来他们就属于你,如果他们没回来,挽留也无意义。
7. Beauty is how you feel inside and it reflects in your eyes - 美是内在的,需要透过眼睛去发现。