深受祖父茅以升先生“边学习,边实践”的影响,茅为蕙在音乐上的成长走的是边上音乐学院边参加演奏的道路。早在获得学士学位前,她就已多次被邀请在世界著名指挥大师约瑟夫 . 西尔弗斯坦(Joseph Silverstein),罗伯特 . 蒂鲍博士 (Robert Debbaut) 和杨 . 罗伯逊 (Jon Robertson) 的指挥下与犹他州州立交响乐团,奥地利室内乐团,泰国曼谷交响乐团, 加州莱恩交响乐团,犹他州爱乐乐团,犹他州室内乐团等十几个著名乐团合作演出。
丰富的演奏经验,纯熟的技巧和独特的艺术魅力使得茅为蕙在多次国际钢琴比赛中获奖---其中包括1990年在盐湖城举行的吉纳巴乔尔青少年国际钢琴比赛第二名,1993年在路易斯安那州举行的第五届蒂伯茨国际钢琴比赛第一名,1995 年在纽约举行的首届A.P.P.T.A. 国际录音录像比赛第二名,1996年在洛杉矶举行的李斯特钢琴比赛第一名和"帕格尼尼练习曲"最佳奖,以及1997年在旧金山举行的全国教师协会协奏曲比赛第一名。
一处,无论是在西方现代化都市:伦敦,格拉斯哥,日内瓦,海德堡,法兰克福,耶路撒冷,维也纳,萨尔茨堡,纽约,洛杉矶,丹佛,西雅图,盐湖城,旧金山; 还是在青山绿水环绕中的东方城镇:曼谷, 香港, 河内,胡志明市, 杭州,昆明; 茅为蕙手下的音乐永远带给听众清新的享受。
1981年,童年时代的茅为蕙曾以扮演电影 <<;巴山夜雨>>中 “小娟子”姑娘,荣获
首界金鸡奖最佳配角奖。 1999年,年轻的茅为蕙再度被评选为世界上屈指可数的斯坦威
艺术家(Steinway Artists)。 廿年间风雨无阻,能出入于不同的艺术领域,并且都取
2002 年,茅为蕙在频繁的演出和比赛节目中顺利完成学校的理论课程,荣获美
近年来茅为蕙逐渐地活跃在中国的音乐舞台上。她的琴声遍布上海,北京,天津, 长春, 广州,深圳,杭州,宁波, 西安,厦门,青岛,济南,大连,哈尔滨,石家庄, 沈阳,郑州,昆明, 威海, 烟台, 南宁等。凭借和世界各国超过40个交响乐团合作过的丰富经验,她先后被邀请与上海交响乐团,深圳交响乐团,上海歌剧院交响乐团,厦门爱乐乐团,青岛交响乐团,中央音乐学院乐队学院, 辽宁交响乐团,广西交响乐团,河南省歌舞
剧院,陕西省交响乐团, 浙江省歌舞团, 以及亚洲室内乐团等合作。中国著名指挥家郑小瑛,陈燮阳,俞峰,张国勇,胡咏言, 姜金一, 杨洋等先后为她执棒指挥。
音乐学院附属大连音乐学校的客座教授,并多次在上述大学,美国犹他州州立大学, 越
南河内音乐学院, 中央音乐学院,上海音乐学院,沈阳音乐学院, 山东艺术大学, 青岛
大学, 广西艺术学院等国内国外大专院校举行独奏音乐会,讲课和大师班教学活动。从2007年起, 她被推选为美国音乐教师协会钢琴考级鉴定高级考官.
茅为蕙的音乐成就已引起媒体的广泛关注:中外著名刊物《人民音乐‘留声机’》(“Gramophone”),《音乐爱好者》,《美洲文汇月刊》,《名牌》,《都市丽人》,《旭茉JESSICA》,《LADY 格调》,《嘉人》(“Marie Claire”), 《女友花园》,《音像世界》,《淑媛》等相继以整版篇幅介绍了她的艺术经历和演奏风格。越南河内电视台,中国中
央电视台,上海东方电视台,上海音乐台,浙江电视台, 青岛电视台,辽宁卫视,大连
魅力之下。她的个人独奏专辑 “无词浪漫曲”已由中国唱片公司在2007年发行.
“拥有最缜密的西方哲学头脑的茅为蕙在钢琴前幻化成一位充满浪漫彩的东方诗人.细听之下,她的琴声中流淌着的还有: 中国的山水意象, 水墨情怀, 以及中国女性特有的灵性”(留声机杂志,2006年11月号.)
“茅为蕙的‘李斯特’深沉, 雅致, 同时充满了女性的豪放。她的演奏有一种发自内心的喜悦。旋律在她的指尖变得柔美, 舒展,她亢奋的李斯特带来了少有的灵气”(深圳商报, 2006.)
“茅为蕙的演奏风格热情奔放, 但又不自觉地有着东方式的内剑。 这种介于外向和文雅之间的魅力深深吸引着她的观众”(杭州日报, 2006.)
“茅小用她的琴声把爱恋, 伤感和激情一起带给了她的听众. 她的音乐和她眩惑的气质共 同在古典音乐舞台上创造了奇迹” (越南时报, 2005.)
“茅小的演奏使她的听众们时而振奋,时而痴迷,时而伤悲,时而陶醉”(曼谷日报2003.)“纯音响中的戏剧性”(世界日报,美国, 1999.)
李玮珉的个人资料“这位不平凡的钢琴家又点燃了浪漫时期的钢琴技巧”(理查门德时报,美国, 1997.) “茅小的惊人技巧可以把任何乐曲带入辉煌的艺术顶峰。为了表露她的天才,她总是成功地塑造和感知到每一句音乐线条”(盐湖城论坛报,美国,1996.)
“茅小的成熟演奏并不符合她的年龄。当乐曲要求高难度的技巧时,为蕙的表演则是光辉闪耀, 而无任何单纯显示技巧的痕迹”(盐湖城日报, 美国,1993.)
Dr. Weihui Mao
Having earned her doctoral degree of Musical Arts from University of Southern California, Dr. Mao is considered one of the most inspiring and respected pianists of her generation.
In 1988, China’s most beloved child movie star of the 1980's made her debut with Shanghai Symphony Orchestra and the leading Japanese conductor Maestro Yoshikazu Fukumura in Shanghai Symphony Hall, P. R. of China.
Weihui came to the United States in 1989, to start her career as a performer. As a top prize winner of many international and national piano competitions including Junior Gina Bachauer International Piano Competition in Salt Lake City; Tourgee Debose International Piano Competition in Louisiana; A.P.P.T.A. International Recording Competition in New York; Liszt Piano Competition in Los Angeles; and National Music Teacher’s Association Concerto Competition in San Francisco, Ms. Mao had the opportunity to perform with Utah Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Maestro Joseph Silverstein, Redlands Symphony Orchestra under Dr. Jon Robertson, and was frequently invited as sol
oist with many others such as Utah Philharmonic, Westminster Chamber Orchestra and Intermountain Chamber Orchestra ‐‐‐ all well before the completion of her Bachelor’s degree from University of Utah.
Weihui’s unique expression of occidental and oriental charm has brought her performances to concert stages in major cities throughout Asia, Europe and U.S. Among those are Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Qingdao, Shenyang, Hanoi, Bangkok, Hong Kong, London, Geneva, Heidelberg, Lake Kanstanz, Frankfurt, Bad Aussee, Salzburg, Jerusalem, Tele‐Aviv, Glasgow, New York, Los Angeles, Richmond, Denver, Seattle, Baton Rouge, Salt Lake City, and San Francisco – just to name a few.
In 1999, Ms. Mao began to possess the privilege and honor to be one of the prestigious Steinway Artists. Ever since, she has been actively promoting and advocating Steinway piano throughout China and other Asian countries.
Miss Mao has made numerous appearances with Vietnam National Symphony Orchestra during the recent years. Under the baton of world renowned conductors such as Mr. Yoshikazu Fukumura, Mr. Tetsuji Honna and Mr. Collin Metters, she has had many successful concerts with VNSO in major cities in China, and in the famous Hanoi Opera House
Dr. Mao has appeared as a soloist with over 40 Symphony Orchestras worldwide, including Austria Chamber Orchestra, Bangkok Symphony Orchestra, Vietnam National Opera and Ballet, Pan‐Asia Chamber Orchestra, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Opera Symphony Orchestra, Beijing EOS Academy Orchestra, Qingdao Symphony Orchestra, Liaoning Symphony Orchestra and Xiamen Philharmonic.
With inborn passion for music and hard‐to‐acquire experience on acting, Miss Mao’s dramaticism and expressiveness in her piano performance is accepted and praised by audience and music critics all over the world. Among those, “Dramaticisim in pure sound” by Chinese Daily, USA; “She brings love, passion, aguish and energy to her audiences all at once, along with her dazzling personal style she creates magic on classical stage” by Vietnam Times, “This remarkable pianist is rekindling the glory day of romantic piano technique” by Richmond Times, “Miss Mao’s incredible technique could bring any composition to dazzling Summits, and she always shapes, caresses and feels every line for the real communication of her talent” by Salt Lake Tribune, and “Miss Mao played with a maturity and depth the belie her age, …. And when the score called for virtuosity, Mao’s technique was blazing, but without a hint of bravura” by Deseret News gives her a detailed portrayal.
As a visiting professor to seven different universities and conservatories, she also involves herself in a
nnual master classes, lectures, seminars and solo recitals in China Central Conservatory of Music, Shanghai Conservatory of Music, Shenyang Conservatory of Music, Qingdao University and Hanoi Conservatory of Music. Miss Mao’s personal stories and successes have been made known by major magazines such as “Gramophone”, “Marie Claire”, “Elegance”, “We Chinese in America”, “Audio Video World”, “Jessica”, “Elite”, “Modern Weekly”, “Upper Class”, and her solo CDs and DVDs are being released by China Recording Company.