so…that 、such…that、so that的用法
一、s o.。.that。。。句型中的so是副词,常常用来修饰形容词或副词,意思是“如此/这么……以致于……”1.常用句型为:主语+谓语+so+adj。/ adv.+ that从句。
The boyranso fast thatIcouldn'tcatch him。
He wasso angry thathecouldn’t say    a word.
She madesogood a meal that we all ate far too much。她做的饭菜那么好吃,结果我们都吃得太多了。
It was sogoodan exhibition thatIwentto see itseveral times.展览是那么好,结果我就去看了好几次。
Itwassofinea day yesterday that we all wentoutfor a picnic.昨天天气很好,我们都出去野餐了。 / much /few /little(少)+名词+that从句。
I’vehad somanyfalls thatI'm blackand blue allover。我跌了那么多跤,全身跌得青一块,紫一块的。
There was so muchworkto do thateverybody got bored。有这么多的事要做,人人都感到厌烦了。
There wassolittle water in the jar that it wasnotenough forallofus。缸里的水太少,不够我们这些人用的。
This issuch  a good book that all of us like it very much。这是一本很好的书,我们大家都喜欢读一读。
Itwas such a fine day that nobodywantedtostayat home。天气这么好,没有人愿意呆在家里不出去。
Itwas suchaninteresting film thatIsaw it twice。这是一部很有意思的电影,我看了两次.
2. such+形容词+复数名词+that从句。例如:
Hehadsuchlongarms thathecouldalmosttouchhis knees. 他的胳膊很长,几乎就能够到他的膝盖。
They are such good students that the teacher likesthem.他们都是很好的学生,老师喜欢他们。
3. such+(形容词)+不可数名词+that从句,例如:
It was suchfine weatheryesterday thatwewent swimming。昨天天气很好,我们去游泳了.
4. one(no,any, all, many, some,several,等)+such+可数名词+that从句。例如:
There are many suchgood books that I can’t decide which one to choose.有这么多的好书,我无法决定选择哪一本.
He gave us several such examples aboutthephrase thatwe understood itpretty well.关于这个短语,他举了好几个这样的例句,我们终于完全弄懂了。
三、sothat 既可以引导目的状语从句又可以引导结果状语从句.
如:I speak loudly sothat all the students can hear me clearly。(目的状语从句)
Maria likes the woolendress so that she decides tobuy itimmediately.(结果状语从句)
(1)so that引导目的状语从句时,表示“以便;为了”,从句中常使用can/could /may /might/will /wo
(2) So that引导的目的状语从句之前不用逗号,而so that引导的结果状语从句与主句之间往往有逗号相隔开
He worked hard at his lessonssothat he couldgain high grades intheexams.他努力学习功课,争取考试能获得好成绩。
He worked hard athis lessons, so that he gained highgrades in the exams。他努力学习,结果考试获得了好成绩。
She is so honest that everybody trusts her。
→She is suchan honest girl that everybody trusts her。
→She is so honest a girl that everybody trustsher.
2。当主句和从句的主语一致,且that从句是肯定句时,可用“enough to dosth。”来转换。例如:
The man is sostrongthat hecanlift the heavy box, →The man is strong enough tolift the heavybox。
Hewas so clever that he can understandwhat I said。→Hewasclever enoughto u nderstandwhat Isaid。
3。当主句和从句的主语不一致,且that从句是肯定句时,可以用“enough forsb. todo sth。”来替换,但须注意不定式的宾语要省略。例如:
The question is so easy that I canworkitout. →The question is easy enough for meto work out。
The box is solightthathe can carry it.→Thebox islightenough for himto carry。
The girl is soyoung thatshecan't dress herself。→The girlis too youngto dress herself。
I was so tired that Icouldn’t goonwith the work. →I was too tired togoon with the work.
5。当主句和从句的主语不一致,且that从句是否定句时,如果要用“too…to。.."替换“so…that…",则用介词f or引出动词不定式的逻辑主语,可以用“too。。forsb。to do sth。”来替换,注意不定式的宾语要省略。例如:
The bag isso heavy thatshe can’t moveit。→The bag istoo heavy forher to move. It isso hot that we can't sleep.→It is too hotfor us tosleep.
6. 可将so和such移至句首,再将主句的主、谓语倒装,以示强调。例如:
It isso hot that we don”t want to go out。→So hotis itthat we don"t want to go out。(天气太热,我们不想出去。)
He made such an excellent speech thateveryone admired him. →Such an excellent speechdid he make that everyone admired him。(他作了如此精彩的演讲,人们都钦佩他。)
7. so many/much…that…可转换为such alot of…that…。例如:
There are so manypeople in theroom that we couldnot getin。
→There are such    a lotofpeople intheroom thatwe could not get in。(房间里人太
多,我们进不去。) few / little…that…可转换为such    a few / alittle…that…。例如:
Sofew people came that themeeting had to be put off。
→Suchafewpeoplecame that the meeting hadto be put off.(人来得这么少,会议不得不推迟.)
英语里可以用to,in order to,soas to或so that,in order that来表示目的.区别是:
1) to,in order to,so as to引导的是目的状语短语,构成简单句;
2) so that, in orderthat引导的是目的状语从句,构成复合句,并且从句中谓语动词常与can,could, may, might等情态动词连用。如:
soojooHe got up earlyto /in order to/ so as to catch thefirst bus。
Speak clearly so that everybodycan understand you.
1)sothat和in order that的区别:
so that引导的从句只能放在主句之后,而in order that引导的从句既可放在主句前也可放在主句后。另外,so that还可引导结果状语从句,意为“因此,结果",但inorder that不能。例如:
He was very humorousso thatwe liked him verymuch。他非常幽默,因此我们非常喜欢他。