soojooPerformance Additives for PU Shoe Soles
GOR APUR® – Release Agents and
Performance Additives for PU Shoe Soles
Release Agents
Evonik Gorapur GmbH is constantly developing improved release agents in order to meet the re-quirements of the PU footwear industry.
All release agents can be applied by using manual spray guns or robots.
Products for mono and dual density safety foot-wear are available as concentrates, high solids or water-based emulsions. Volatile siloxanes are used as active ingredients. These release agents are characterized by excellent properties and econo-mical usage. The soles demonstrate dry and virtu-ally residue-free surface properties. In addition, the workplace remains clean during production.
Release agents for ester unit soles are available as concentrates/high solids in dilutable and ready-to-use form. In particular GORAPUR® LS 1040-13, a new solvent-free release agent, demonstrates a significant step towards an economically and envi-ronmentally friendly shoe-soles product. There is no painting procedure or any other post-treatment necessary, as the soles look very mat and uniform.Dilutable products have a proven track record in the production of ether unit soles. They consist of modified siloxanes with excellent release proper-ties and economical usage. Our own source of sili-cones guarantees constant quality and the ability to produce tailor-made products.
Evonik Gorapur GmbH offers you a large range of release agents for the PU shoe sole industry. Our c
ustomers include shoe sole manufacturers and system houses around the world. In addition to re-lease agents, Evonik also supplies performance
additives such as cell regulators, cell openers and abrasion reducers to modify the performance of the PU soles. Evonik is committed to supplying high-tech products for the various segments of the PU shoe sole industry.
Surfactants for Shoe Sole Systems
The major advantage of the products listed below is their ability to improve skin formation and regulate the cell struc-ture, making it finer and more uniform. This eventually leads to a significant improvement in the various physical proper-ties. A surface active substance reduces the surface tension
of the liquid components, resulting in improved and easier miscibility. The foam becomes more homogeneous, pigments are better distributed and the tendency to create flow lines is
reduced. The optical appearance is significantly improved.
Additives f or Ester Shoe Sole Systems
Abrasion b) Cell Opener
TEGOSTAB ® B 8948 functions as mild pure organic cell opener and cell regulator.
GORAPUR ® IMR 852 functions as potent silicon cell opener Both reduce shrinkage in low-density foams and mid-sole applications. Both can be used for ester and ether systems.
c) Abrasion Reducer
The footwear industry requires improved abrasion resistance in its products. ORTEGOL ® AB is the answer. It functions as an internal abrasion reducer for densities of 500 kg/m 3 or greater and migrates to the surface of the cured elastomer. It can be used both for ester and ether systems.
a) Surfactants
TEGOSTAB ® B 8993 is specially designed for running soles.  A finer, more uniform cell structure is obtained. It improves  the compatibility of the raw materials and enhances the
tensile strength, elongation of break and Ross-Flex properties. TEGOSTAB ® B 8946 PF  controls the cell size and cell-size  distribution. The dimensional stability will be improved.TEGOSTAB ® B 8952 is mainly used in mid- and low-density  ester shoe soles. It provides better skin formation and less peeling, reduces pinholes and enhances mechanical properties.TEGOSTAB ® B 8960 is used as a co-surfactant, mainly in mid and low-density ester shoe soles. It provides excellent  skin formation, less peeling and reduces pinholes.
d) Catalysts
Pure Triethylene Diamine salt. TEGOAMIN® MEG
Solution of 33 % Triethylene Diamine in Monoethylene Glycol. Strong gelation catalyst for polyester microcellular foam.
e) Antistatics
Used for the production of microcellular poly-urethane materials with an increased conductivity and hence improved antistatic properties. ORTEGOL® AST
Inorganic salt dissolved in polyol for PU ether shoe sole systems.
Can be used as post-formulation additive.
Can be blended with other components or added directly in the mixing head.
Innovative antistatic for PU polyester shoe sole systems.
Can be used as post-formulation additive.
Can be blended with other components or added  directly in the mixing head. Is very compatible  with
other components, doesn’t migrate and  doesn’t affect the hydrolysis resistance. Active  even in low humidity environments.ORTEGOL® AST 9
Inorganic salt dissolved in Monoethyleneglycol.  Used for PU ester shoe sole systems.
It is specially designed for self-formulators and system-houses that could adjust the crosslinker  amount.
ORTEGOL® AST 3 is a very high and special active antistatic. It contains no reactive solvent  and can be applied for the production of
shoe soles based on both polyester and poly- ether systems.
ORTEGOL® AST 3 is extremely effective so that  only a very small amount is necessary to achieve the standard antistatic range of safety shoes. With higher concentration very low density antistatic insoles can be produced.
Apart from this it is also possible to achieve microcellular polyurethane products (shoes and  others) of extremely low electrical resistance
to be used in working areas where Electrostatic  Discharge Sensitive Devices (ESDS) are handled. TEGOAMIN® AS MEG
Acid blocked gelation catalyst for polyester microcellular foam.
It is normally used in combination with standard  TEGOAMIN® MEG catalyst. It can be used to increase the cream time (higher flowability)  maintaining the same demold time. Alternatively can be used to strongly reduce
the demold time (higher productivity of polyurethane parts) maintaining the same cream time. It has no cross-linking effect. TEGOAMIN® BDE
Strong blowing catalyst.
Various metal strong gelation catalysts.
problem-solving in the PU footwear industry. Our worldwide network of experts and the new development department for shoe sole application in Essen aid in this process. Don’t hesitate to contact us for further information! We will be happy to provide you with the contact information for our partner in your area.