xx户籍,又称户口,是指国家主管户政的行政机关所制作的,用以记载和留存住户人口的基本信息的法律文书。也是我们每个公民的身份证明。那么,你知道户籍的英语怎么说吗?户籍的英文释义:census registerhousehold registercensus registrationdomicile户籍的英文例句:户籍制度改革的时机成熟了。The time for household registration reform is ripe.然而,新来者并未形成无户籍的贫民区。Yet the newcomers have not formed ghettos.户籍制度还体现在教育的不公平上。The household registration system also caused the unfair education.户籍制度改革前景不容乐观,其改善微乎其微。Prospects for reform of the hukou system are only slightly better.户籍改革在大城市不应操之过急。Household registration reform in large cities should not be carried out in haste.户籍申请将在详细的准许条例出台后开始进行。Hukou applications will begin to be accepted after detailed regulations are issued.户籍制度使城乡居民之间仍存在严格的界线。A registration system maintains a strict distinction between urban and rural citizens.但是户籍制度改革也面临着诸多困难,文章最后提出了几点政策建议。The author gives some suggestions on the reform of the system of residence registration.我的户籍不在那个城市产,而那家公司需要雇用一位
当地居民。My domicile isn‘t in that city and they needed a local resident.成都官员在去年年底宣布,已制定计划,将于2012年前完成城市和农村户籍注册制度整合。Officials in Chengdu announced at the end of last year that they plan to integrateurban and rural household registration schemes by 2012.北京市公安
局户籍登记科的一位警官说,这样的名字在日常生活中造成了很大的麻烦;这一新规定可以大大减少重名的情况。Such names cause great trouble in daily life; and the new regulation can vastlyreduce name repetition , said a household registration officer with the Beijingpublic security bureau.然而由于户籍规定,他们却无法享受到与城市居民同等的权利。Yet they don't enjoy equal rights as city dwellers because of household registration requirements.户籍制度系统在雇佣关系,住房,医疗还有教育上对农民工排斥更普遍加强了把他们当成二等公民的趋势。A household-registration system that discriminates against migrants inemployment, housing, health care and education reinforces a widespreadtendency to treat them as second-class citizens.世界银行建议,分阶段撤销户籍制度将鼓励更多人口迁移到城市。The bank suggests that phasing out the
household-registration system wouldencourage more people to move to the city.当然,引进的户籍登记制度,以防止农民向城市迁移,这个制度削弱了这个意愿。Mao’s introduction of
ahousehold registration system to prevent farmers frommigration to the citiesundercut this intention, of course.世界银行认为户籍登记制度的逐步淘汰将鼓励越来越多的人涌向城市。The bank suggests that phasing out the
household-registration system wouldencourage more people to move to the city.长期以来,中国的户籍
制度,也就是户口,把人们分为农村户口或城市户口,而城市户口通常可以得到更好的服务。China's household registration system, or hukou, has long separated people intoeither rural or urban citizens, with those in the cities usually getting betterservices.但由于频频引发争议的户籍制度,这些农民工却并不能够在他们城市的新家接受保健和教育的服务。But these migrants are not entitled to receive services such as health andeducation in their new homes. This is because of China's controversial household registration system.许多省份正在放松户籍制度的限制。Many provinces are also relaxing the hukou household-registration system.中国的户籍制度,或者说户口,使得外来务工者很难享受到城市的教育和医疗关怀。China’s system of household regist ration, or hukou, makes it very difficult formigrants to gain access to urban education and health care.近些年,有关户籍制度的争议不断增加,一些学者呼吁其应当废除。Debate has increased over the household registration system in recent years, with some
academics calling for it to be abolished.农民工为城市发展做
出了重要贡献,但由于户籍制度的限制,他们根本无法融入自己所在的城市。Migrant workers contribute to the cities where they live, but they are excluded bythe household registration system.
the same time, he says, strict residency rules that deny migrant workers thesocial benefits that city dwellers enjoy also deter many from leaving home.
我的户籍在南京。My domicile place is Nanjing.我们正在积极稳
妥地实行户籍制度改革,让符合条件的农民工进城落户。We are taking active and steady steps to reform the household registrationsystem so that eligible rural migrant workers will become urban residents.在中国户籍制度下,成千上万的民工的户
口仍在自己的老家即使他们到城市工作。Under China's household registration or Hukou system, its tens of millions ofmigrant workers remain registered in their home towns even if they move to thecity to work.I:你的户籍所在地是哪里?I: Where is your domicile place?除了直辖市外,多数城市被要求取消户籍限制。Most cities have been told that for graduates they should waive residencyrequirements that restrict hiring from beyond their 户籍,又称户口,是指国家主管户政的行政机关所制作的,用以记载和留存住户人口的基本信息的法律文书。也
是我们每个公民的身份证明。那么,你知道户籍的英语怎么说吗?户籍的英文释义:census registerhousehold registercensus registrationdomicile户籍的英文例句:户籍制度改革的时机成熟了。The time for household registration reform is ripe.然而,新来者并未形成无户籍的贫民区。Yet the new
comers have not formed ghettos.户籍制度还体现在教育的不公平上。The household registration system also caused the unfair education.户籍制度改革前景不容乐观,其改善微乎其微。Prospects for reform of the hukou system are only slightly better.户籍改革在大城市不应操之过急。Household registration reform in large cities should not be carried out in haste.户籍申请将在详细的准许条例出台后开始进行。Hukou applications will begin to be accepted after detailed regulations are issued.户籍制度使城乡居民之间仍存在严格的界线。A registration system maintains a strict distinction between urban and rural citizens.但是户籍制度改革也面临着诸多困难,文章最后提出了几点政策建议。The author gives some suggestions on the reform of the system of residence registration.我的户籍不在那个城市产,而那家公司需要雇用一位当地居民。My domicile isn‘t in that city and they needed a local resident.成都官员在去年年底宣布,已制定计划,将于2012年前完成城市和农村户籍注册制度整合。Officials in Chengdu announced at the end of last year that they plan to integrateurban and