      系    别:    国际教育交流学院
      专    业:        商务英语
      班    级:      商英
      姓    名:       
      学    号:   
摘  要
We usually use letters and E-mail in a deal of international trade to reach an agreement, sign a contract, besides face to face negotiating, so as to establish a contractual relationship with the parties to the contract finally. Therefore, the international business Eng
lish letters is an important means of communication for international trade, and its position in foreign trade is increasingly becoming important. At present, British and American people tend to use concise language in letters. It is an essential skill for business executives to master business letters and write it in correct form.
With the rapid development of the world economy, business letters go back and forth between all countries frequently and bring about huge effects. In order to provide appropriate help to business people, the article studies the differences between British-English and American-English on language and the format of business letters to conquer the misunderstanding caused by different cultures.
Key words: business letter, American and British-English, format, difference