The Halloween was coming! My friend Ollie and I had a Halloween idea which came with so many challenges that we thought about giving up.
Then one day, my parents were busy baking muffins and cookies in the bakery for a bake sale to support the animal shelter. Ollie and I were also busy helping scoop flour from a container holding bags of it.
“Good girls! Every little bit helps those animals,” my mum said. “I just wish we could encourage our neighbors to contribute."
“Aha! I have a brilliant idea,” shouted Ollie, tossing the scoop into the container excitedly, the white flour spattered all over her face. “How about having a costume-contest fund-raiser?”
“Yeah!” I said, pointing at Ollie’s face and laughing. “And since it’s for the animal shelter, it could be a costume contest for dogs.”
We sat down to make our to-do list then got to work. Number one on the list was finding a location. We thought the shelter would be perfect, but when we asked them, they said they weren’t set up for events. The library, the movie theater, and the corner cafe said no too.
“Maybe we should just give up," Ollie grumbled. “Wait!" I said. “Why didn’t I think of it sooner? I bet my parents would let us have the event outside their store!”
We ran over to the bakery to ask, and finally got the yes we’d been waiting for. A hundred years later we had enough posters to put up around the neighborhood. We prepared all week after school, and at last the big day came. And lots of people showed up.
“Wow, you two did a wonderful job!" said my dad to Ollie and me. “I’ve never seen so many dogs in so many different costumes.”
“Me neither." My mom grinned.
But then, a little girl arrived. She at the bakery, crying. “My Coco," her hands stroking a poodle with big brown eyes, “had a perfect superhero costume, but it ripped on our way. Now she doesn’t have a costume at all!”
“Aw, I'm sorry," I said.
“Here you are! Maybe this muffin and cookie will make you feel better," Ollie said.
“Thank you." she smiled.
The costume show began. Suddenly, Coco started barking and racing all over the place!
“Well, White Coco(为什么是白的??奶油?松糕?曲奇?),” my mom said with a giggle, “Now you're wearing the ever-best costume!"
The costume show began. Suddenly, Coco started barking and racing all over the place! As Coco dashed around, we noticed that the remnants of her superhero costume were still clinging to her. The audience was surprised to see a dog darting around the bakery yard, tail wagging and eyes sparkling. Suddenly, she zoomed into the flour bag we left out earlier. She jumped into one of them, sending flour flying everywhere, and came out completely covered, becoming a fluffy white creature. It was as if she was wearing a cloud of flour as her costume. 
续写第二段:"Well, White Coco," my mom said with a giggle, "Now you're wearing the ever-best costume!" The crowd erupted in laughter and applause, cheering for Coco, the flour-covered superhero. The little girl also beamed with pride, and the tears in her eyes were replaced by joy. Our fund-raising activity turned out to be a resounding success. Not only did we raise funds for the animal shelter, but we also created unforgettable memories for everyone involved. Ollie and I learned that even in the face of challenges, with persisten
ce and a positive attitude, we could achieve our goals. It was indeed one of the best Halloweens ever.