1、西汉南越王博物馆(游览时间:约1h)  Nanyue King Museum
2000 years ago,西汉南越国国王赵眜之墓,是岭南地区所发现的规模最大的唯一汉代彩绘石室墓。主要介绍金缕玉衣、帝印玉玺
Nanyue King Museum was set up at the site of the tomb of a Nanyue King, Zhao Mo by name in Western Han Dynasty, which is 2000 years ago in 137BC. It is constructed with 750 blocks of red sandstones, with 7 chambers in all. This tomb is the most important Han Tomb so far discovered in South China – its size is the largest, the political and social status of its occupant is the highest and the number of historical relics unearthed is the greatest – and so is considered as one of the 5 major archaeological(考古学)finds in modern China.
Articles unearthed from the tomb: gold seal inscribed with the words “The Seal of Emperor Wen” (金质的帝印玉玺) is the most precious because it’s the first emperor’s seal so far discovered in China’s archaeological excavations.
Jade articles(玉器) unearthed from the tomb include a jade garment sewn with silk threads(丝缕玉衣)
Bronze articles(青铜器)daily utensils (日常器皿) represent technological level of metal-casting of the Nanyue Kingdom but also serve as an evidence for the history of the founding of the city of Guangzhou
musical instrument 乐器Weapons 兵器 Jars 缸
4、稻香 富邦店(游览时间:约1.5h)
广东早茶 Cantonese morning tea 招牌菜Signature dishes 金钱肚Honeycomb Tripes  泡椒凤爪pickled chicken claw 牛仔骨 beef ribs 奶黄包custard bun 虾饺shrimp dumplings干炒牛Fried rice-noodle with beef 绿茶green tea 红茶black tea 菊花茶chrysanthemum tea
5、岭南瑰宝陈家祠(游览时间:约1h)  Chen Clan Academy
Chen Clan Academy is a China‘s Qing Dynasty hall building, with an area of 8000 ㎡.
large and ornate华丽的,is national key cultural relics protection units.国家重点文物保护单位
Its major craft are four categories including ceramic陶瓷, embroidery织绣, carving雕刻 and miscellaneous杂项.
The construction of the Chen Clan Academy to decorate delicately, beautiful and imposing is famous in the world建筑装饰精美. Wood, stone, brick,建筑中的三雕(木雕、石雕、砖雕)、clay sculpture, pottery,二塑(陶塑、灰塑) iron casting一铸(铜铁铸)and various color painting decoration彩绘画, which is called 7 outstanding decorative art. The main characters: pavilions亭子 terraces门廊 and open halls, landscape, with strong Lingnan characteristics.岭南特
6、广州塔(英语:Canton Tower)小蛮腰slim waist  (游览时间:约0.5h+1.5h晚饭=2h)
Welcome to the Modern world.
408米 103层 晖粤轩 餐厅里面装潢是传统与现代元素的完美结合,洁净明亮的落地玻璃,在广州城市新中轴线和珠江交汇点的上空408米处,360°俯览全城。餐厅采用一对一的定制服务方式以及建立了顾客关系网络,在晖粤轩,一位服务员同一时间内只为一桌客人提供服务。新派粤菜为主,粤式点心、生猛海鲜
Welcome to the Modern world.  Canton tower is 600 meters high, highest tower in China, Second to Tokyo Skytree