第一部分(听力共30 分)
I. 听选答案(共15小题计20分)
从所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的- -项。(共10小题,计10分)
1. A. Great.                    B. Not bad.                    C. Terrible.
2. A. Li Gang's.                B. Zhang Ming's.                C. Wang Tao's.
3. A. Clean the room.            B. Sweep the floor.            C. Do the dishes.
4. A. Noodles.                    B. Rice.                        C. Dumplings.
5. A. On Jiefang Road.            B. On Zhuque Road.            C. On Chang'an Road.
6. A. To be quiet.                B. To be careful.                C. To be friendly.
7. A. To go to the park.            B. To climb the mountain.        C. To visit the museum.
8. A. Brother and sister.            B. Mother and son.            C. Teacher and student.
9. A. Paper.                    B. Wood.                        C. Glass.
10. A. At 8:50.                    B. At 9:00.                    C. At 9:10.
11. What festival are the two speakers talking about!?
A. The Spring Festival.
B. The Dragon Boat Festival.
C. The Mid-Autumn Festival.
12. What does Mrs. White think of the festival?
A. Interesting.
B. Special.
C. Exciting.
13. What sport is David good at?
A. Tennis.
B. Basketball.
C. Soccer.
14. Who does Wang Ting usually swim with?
A. Her friend.
B. Her mother.
C. Her aunt.
15. How often does Wang Ting go swimming?
A. Once a week.
B. Five times a week.
C. Three times a week.
II. 听填信息(共5小题计10分)
16. A Zhuhuan bird has a red _______________ and white feathers.
17. In the 20th century, people could _______________ any of them in the world.
18. In 1981, only _______________ Zhuhuan birds were found in the Qinling Mountains.
19. People have done _______________ in order to increase the number of Zhuhuan birds.
20. What a _______________ we Chinese have made in animal protection!
Dear Helen Keller,
My name is Amelia Grant. I live in a small city. There, my father has an oil factory. At the age of eight, something terrible happened while I 21_____ playing near an oil well. It made me lose most of my hearing.
A lot has changed for me 22_____ then. For one thing, I cannot hear music like before. I used to love listening to my mother sing songs. When I first lost my hearing, I was sad that I 23_____ never again hear my mother sing. But now I put my ear to her chest 24_____ the vibrations (震动) of her voice. Now, I feel music instead of hearing it.
Also, I have to go to 25_____ different school in another city - Texas School for the Deaf. It is over 300 kilometers away from my hometown. The teachers there are kind, 26_____ I can only see my parents during holidays. I miss them very much.
During 27_____ last winter holiday, my daddy gave me a book you wrote, The Story of My Life. From it, I learned a lot about you. When you first became deaf and blind, you had a hard time showing people 28_____. Because of this, you would sometimes get mad and make_ 29_____ noises.
Now I know your feelings and I 30_____ by your book. I'm going to write to you in a few days to tell you more.
Amelia Grant
21. A. is                B. are                C. were                D. was
22. A. since            B. at                    C. until                D. by
23. A. can            B. could                C. have to            D. had to
24. A. feel            B. to feel                C. hear                D. to hear
25. A. a                B. an                C. the                D. /
26. A. because        B. if                    C. but                D. or
27. A. we                B. us                C. our                D. ours
28. A. what do you want                    B. what you want
陕西中考总分多少C. what did you want                    D. what you wanted
29. A. loudest            B. most loudly        C. loud                D. loudly
30. A. am encouraged    B. will be encouraged    C. encourage            D. will encourage
第二节: 阅读第二封英文书信,理解大意,然后从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使书信连贯完整。
Dear Helen Keller,
I'm glad to write to you again to tell you how your book has influenced me.
I read that you really brought your parents lots of 31_____ and they didn't know what to do! Then they found a great 32_____ for you - Ms. Sullivan. With great patience, she showed and taught you that there was a word to describe every object and idea. Because of Ms. Sullivan, you're now able to 33_____ and write by touch.
I also read that you love to ask questions. So now, I do the same thing as you do. It really helps me a lot to 34_____. I am learning more now than I ever did before I lost my hearing. Maybe my mother is 35_____ when she says “every cloud has a silver lining.” Even when something seems really bad, a 36_____ thing can come from it.
I have a best friend Anna Bailey in my city. When I lost my hearing, I 37_____ I would lose this friend. I thought she might want to play only with people who could hear. But I was wrong. Anna stayed 38_____ with me. She even helped me. She told me I would get used
to being deaf. “It might take some time," she said. “But you'll find your feet. **” She made me feel 39_____.