    During an earthquake, it is crucial to take certain measures to ensure our safety. Here are some actions that should be taken:
    1. Drop, cover, and hold on: When the shaking starts, immediately drop to the ground, take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture, and hold on until the shaking stops. This position will protect you from falling objects and reduce the risk of injury.
    2. Stay indoors: If you are inside a building, avoid running outside during the earthquake. It is safer to stay indoors and take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture. Running outside may expose you to falling debris or collapsing structures.
    3. Stay away from windows: Windows can shatter during an earthquake, causing severe injuries. Move away from windows and find a safe spot to take cover.
    4. Beware of doorways: Contrary to popular belief, doorways are not the safest place to be during an earthquake. In modern buildings, doorways are no stronger than any other part of the structure. It is better to take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture.
    5. Turn off gas and electricity: If you smell gas or suspect a gas leak, turn off the gas supply immediately. Additionally, switch off the electricity to prevent electrical fires or short circuits.
    6. Be prepared for aftershocks: Aftershocks are smaller earthquakes that occur after the main quake. They can be just as damaging, so be prepared for more shaking. Stay alert and continue to take cover until the aftershocks subside.
    7. Have an emergency kit: It is important to have an emergency kit readily available. This kit should include essential items such as food, water, a first aid kit, flashlights, batteries, and a portable radio. Having these supplies on hand will help you in case of any emergency.
地震时如何保护自己    地震发生时,采取一些措施确保我们的安全至关重要。以下是一些应采取的行动:
    1. 躲避、寻掩护并保持: 当地震开始时,立即躲到地面上,寻坚固的家具下面寻掩护,并保持这个姿势直到地震停止。这个姿势可以保护你免受掉落物品的伤害,减少受伤的风险。
    2. 呆在室内: 如果你在室内,避免在地震期间跑到室外。在室内寻掩护并躲在坚固的家具下面。跑到室外可能会让你暴露在掉落的碎片或倒塌的建筑物下。
    3. 远离窗户: 地震期间窗户可能会破碎,造成严重的伤害。远离窗户,到一个安全的地方躲避。
    4. 注意门口: 与普遍的观点相反,门口并不是地震期间最安全的地方。在现代建筑中,门口并不比其他部分更坚固。最好是躲在坚固的家具下面。
    5. 关闭煤气和电源: 如果闻到煤气味或怀疑有煤气泄漏,立即关闭煤气供应。此外,关闭电源以防止电火灾或短路。
    6. 准备余震: 余震是主震之后发生的较小地震。它们可能同样具有破坏性,所以要做好准备迎接更多的震动。保持警惕,在余震停止之前继续寻掩护。
    7. 准备应急包: 准备一个应急包非常重要。这个包应包括食物、水、急救包、手电筒、电池和便携式收音机等必备物品。有这些物资在手将帮助你应对任何紧急情况。