Semi-vowel: w sound /w/
w sound illustration
How to pronounce the w sound
The w sound is created with the jaw mostly closed and the lips formed in a small, tight circle. The sound is voiced, so the vocal cords must vibrate during the production of the sound.
The w sound is very similar to the vowel oo sound. The only difference is that the lips are slightly more cl
osed when making the w sound, and the w sound cannot create a syllable as a vowel sound can.
Semi-vowel: y sound /j/
y sound illustrationyamy朋友发声
How to pronounce the y sound
The tongue is extended forward, with the body of the tongue very near the tooth ridge and hard palate. Because the tongue is so high, the jaw is kept relatively closed during the formation of this sound. The
sides of the tongue touch the top, side teeth during the sound. The lips are held mostly closed, and they are neither made tense nor into a circular shape.
NOTE: This sound is similar to a long e in both sound and formation. However, the tongue is held closer to the tooth ridge during the y sound than during the long e sound.