2.1 头发梳理整洁,前不遮眉,后不过领。男服务员不得留鬓角、胡须;女服务员如留长发,应用统一样式发卡把头发盘起,不擦浓味发油,发型美观大方;
2.2 按酒店要求,上班不佩带项链、手镯、戒指、耳环等贵重饰物;
2.3 不留长指甲,涂指甲油和浓妆艳抹,要淡妆上岗;(服务员不允许留留海、口红、睫毛液、眼影)
2.4 男服务员坚持每天刮胡子。
3.2 领带、领花系戴端正;佩戴工号牌(戴在左胸前);
3.3 鞋袜整齐,穿酒店指定鞋,袜口不宜短于裤、裙脚(穿裙子时,要穿肉丝袜);
4.1 做到“四勤”,即勤洗手、洗澡;勤理发、修面;勤还洗衣服;勤修剪指甲;
4.2 班前不吃生葱、生蒜等有浓烈异味的食品。
Airland hotel Employee Grooming Standard
Female Staff 女员工
General Standard 总体标准
1.1 Hair must be untidy, look presentable & neat.头发必须保持整齐,美观干净。
black color and no striking fancy colored are permitted.女员工长头发必须使用酒店统一标准的发网,发夹只可用黑的。不允许戴珠光宝器的发饰品。
1.3Hair must be kept off the face and never allow it to fall forward on to the face.发型要符合酒店的标准,不要遮盖脸部及眼睛。
1.4 No fancy unnatural colored hair.头发不可染刺眼或不自然的彩。
1.5 Never touch your hair during service.对客服务时不要接触头发。
1.6 No fancy jewelry.You are allowed a simple wedding band, a watch and a pair of small ear
studs for females.不要佩带耀眼的首饰,只可佩带结婚戒指、手表,女员工可佩带耳钉, 且一只耳朵只可带一个耳钉。
1.7 No fancy necklaces
不要佩带怪异项链。1.2 Female staff with long hair must use the hotel standard hair net.Hair accessories must be a
2.1 Female staff should light make-up.女员工要化淡妆。
2.2 No strong perfume.不可用刺鼻香水。
2.3 Must be flesh-colored and clear light polish.只可涂抹肉或透明指甲油。
2.4 No black or dark maroon color lip stick.不可涂抹青或深褐的口红。
2.5 No tattooed eye brow.不准纹眉。
2.6 No beads, Hair accessories can be a solid color or shining color and match the uniform.不许佩带珠光宝气的装饰品,可带与制服相搭配的暗或亮发卡。2.7 Acceptable hair accessories are a hairband , a small bow, clip barrette, bun holder.可以佩带发结,小蝴蝶结,小发卡等。2.8 allowed.不允许佩戴胸针,手镯,脚链,嘴鼻环。
2.9 No heavy make-up.Only pastel colors skin shades.brilliant lipstick It should be tastefully
applied.化妆要适当,允许化彩妆 要求必须涂眼影,涂粉底 划亮口红。
Brooch, bracelet, anklets and lip / nose not
2.10 Can use eye black but False eyelashes not permitted.要求打睫毛膏但不允许戴假睫毛。
Male Staff 男员工
1.1 Hair must be clean, neat, tidy and trimmed at or above eye brow, the ears and standard collar宾馆服务员管理制度
line.保持头发干净、梳理整齐,头发长度不可过眉毛,耳及衣领 1.2No premed hair.不准烫发。
1.3No crude cuts, fancy designs hair styles.头发不要过于蓬乱。1.4No earrings of any sort allowed.不准佩戴耳环及其它小饰品。1.5 No strong hair spray, gel, lotion on hair
2.1No beards, goatees, moustaches.男员工要勤刮胡须。
2.2Face must be clean shaven at all times.保持面部清洁。
2.3No beards, goatees, moustaches.不准蓄骆腮胡, 山羊胡及短髭
Kitchen Staff厨房员工标准
1.1 Hats must be worn at all times
工作时必须佩戴工作帽 1.2 Hair must be washed everyday
1.3 Females must wear hairnets
女员工必须佩戴发网 1.4 No jewelry of any sort allowed
不准佩戴任何装饰物 1.5 Must wear kitchen shoes/boots
1.1 Uniform must be clean
保持制服干净、整洁及纽扣完整 制服上的纽扣要扣牢,尤其是袖口和领口
1.3 Make sure your tie is smartly tied and properly positioned.领带、领结要求整洁平整、位置端正 1.4Name Badge: Should be worn on the left side approximately 2-3 inches below your collar during whole office hour.员工名牌:工作时间必须佩戴在左胸领子以下2-3寸位置 1.5 Never roll up the jacket sleeves.衣袖不可卷起
1.6 Never walk around with the top button of your shirt or the high collar on your jacket undone;
Never let your long underclothes show beneath your uniform..当班时不要解开衬衣的第一颗钮扣;内衣裤不可外露。
1.7 Uniforms should not be worn on the street or to any other place, except work, unless
authorized by Management.制服不可穿出酒店外任何场所,除非得到部门经理的批准。
1.8 Skirts must always be worn with pantyhose stockings.Plain, skin colour and no runs / no