1.She wants to wear a dress. She has a red one and a blue one. She decides to wear the red one because it goes well with her black shoes. What color dress does she wear?
2.He has a green shirt and a yellow shirt. He wants to wear the shirt that matches his brown pants. Which shirt should he choose?
今年最流行的服装搭配答案解析:C。绿的衬衫和黄的衬衫都与棕的裤子不搭配,所以应该选 neither。A 选项绿与棕不搭;B 选项黄与棕不搭;D 选项 both 不符合题意。
3.She has a pink skirt and a white blouse. She wants to wear something that looks good with her purple scarf. What should she wear?
A.pink skirt and white blouse
B.white blouse and purple scarf
C.pink skirt and purple scarf
D.all of the above
答案解析:A。粉的裙子和白的上衣搭配起来很好看,而且没有提到白上衣和紫围巾或者粉裙子和紫围巾搭配好看,所以选 pink skirt and white blouse。B 选项白上衣和紫围巾文中未提及搭配好看;C 选项粉裙子和紫围巾文中未提及搭配好看;D 选项 all of the above 不符合题意。
4.He has a blue jacket and a gray hat. He wants to wear something that makes him look cool. Which combination should he choose?
A.blue jacket and gray hat
B.blue jacket and black hat
C.red jacket and gray hat
D.yellow jacket and blue hat
答案解析:A。他已经有蓝的夹克和灰的帽子了,题目中没有提到其他组合让他看起来更酷,所以选 blue jacket and gray hat。B 选项黑帽子文中未提及;C 选项红夹克文中未提及;D 选项黄夹克和蓝帽子文中未提及。
5.She has a orange T-shirt and a black shorts. She wants to wear something that is suitable for a picnic. What should she wear?
A.orange T-shirt and black shorts
B.white T-shirt and blue shorts
C.pink T-shirt and green shorts
D.yellow T-shirt and purple shorts
答案解析:A。她有橙的 T 恤和黑的短裤,题目中没有提到其他更适合野餐的服装组合,所以选 orange T-shirt and black shorts。B 选项白 T 恤和蓝短裤文中未提及;C 选项粉 T 恤和绿短裤文中未提及;D 选项黄 T 恤和紫短裤文中未提及。
6.He has a brown sweater and a black jeans. He wants to wear something that is comfortable for a long walk. Which should he choose?
A.brown sweater and black jeans
B.blue sweater and gray jeans
C.white sweater and black pants
D.green sweater and brown pants
答案解析:A。他有棕的毛衣和黑的牛仔裤,题目中没有提到其他更舒适的服装组合,所以选 brown sweater and black jeans。B 选项蓝毛衣和灰牛仔裤文中未提及;C 选项白毛衣和黑裤子文中未提及;D 选项绿毛衣和棕裤子文中未提及。
7.She has a purple dress and a pink belt. She wants to wear something that is elegant for a party. What should she wear?
A.purple dress and pink belt
B.black dress and red belt
C.white dress and blue belt
D.yellow dress and green belt
答案解析:A。她有紫的裙子和粉的腰带,紫和粉的搭配可以显得很优雅,适合聚会。B 选项黑裙子和红腰带文中未提及;C 选项白裙子和蓝腰带文中未提及;D 选项黄裙子和绿腰带文中未提及。
8.He has a gray shirt and a blue tie. He wants to wear something that is formal for a meeting. Which should he choose?
A.gray shirt and blue tie
B.white shirt and red tie
C.black shirt and gray tie
D.blue shirt and yellow tie