最新⽜津译林版五年级上册英语U1-U4复习资料Unit 1 Review the phrases
1.在森林⾥in the forest
2.在桌⼦上on the table
3.在房间⾥in the room红包提醒怎么设置
4.⼜累⼜渴tired and thirsty
5.饥寒交迫hungry and cold
6.害怕be afraid
7.害怕熊be afraid of bear s
8.在她前⾯in front of her
9.在房⼦旁beside the house
七阿姨10.在课桌中间between the desk s
11.在你和我中间between you and me
12.⼀些热汤some hot soup
13.正好just right
14.太硬too hard
15.真软so soft
Read and translate
1.put on your coats 穿上你们的外套南航空难
2.in the kitchen 在厨房⾥
3.in the fridge 在冰箱⾥
4.find their cousin 到他们的表弟
5.Really? 真的吗?
6.Coffee is popular in Western countres.
7.Tea is popular in China.
8.Hamburgers are popular in Western countries.
9.Noodles are popular in China.
Ask and anwer
1.What’s in the forest?
2.What’s on the table?
3.What’s in the room?
4.Finally, how is Goldilocks? Why?
Read and think
Bobby is h_____. He can h_____ some cakes in the k______. But there a_____ any cakes in the f______. Why? Because t_____ cousin eats the cakes now.
1.What’s +地点问?There be 句型答
例:What’s in your classroom?
There is a computer.
区分:What’s this/ that?
It’s a comp uter.
What a beautiful house!
=How beautiful the house is!
3.very 很so 真too 太
very hard 很硬so hard 真硬too hard 太硬
4.be afraid 害怕
be afraid of bears 害怕熊
We are afraid of bears.我们害怕熊。
in\on on the tree (原⽣物)in the tree(外来物)under 在…下⾯: under the tree
beside 在…旁边: beside the house
behind 在…后⾯: behind me
in front of 在…前⾯:in front of her
between 在…中间: between them
(1)between+复数between the rooms
(2) between…and…在…和…中间
6.There be 句型表⽰某地有某物或者某⼈
(2)单数is 复数are,不可数也⽤is。
(2)There isn’t an=There is no
There aren’t any =There are no
6.There be 句型
(1)be动词提前,some 变any,⼀⼆⼈称要互换,别忘记改⼤⼩写和标点。(2)Is there 问,there is 答
Are there问,there are 答
(2)对数量提问:How many +复数+are there+地点?
Unit 2
Review the phrases
1⼀名新学⽣ a new student
2.带她参观show her around
3.带他们参观我们学校show them around our school
4.多少个图书馆how many librar ies
5.⼏间教室how many classroom s
6. 在⼀楼on the first floor
7.第⼆间美术教室the second a rt room
8.第三个美术⽼师the third A rt teacher
9.这些电脑室these computer rooms
10.那些乒乓球室those table tennis room s
11.去看⼀看go and have a look
12.在操场上in the playground
Read and translate
1.sing and dance 唱歌跳舞
2.drink some nice juice 喝些美味的果汁
3.have a nice ice cream 吃⼀个好吃的冰淇淋
< the swing 在秋千上
5.push me 推我
6.push him 推他
< high 太⾼
10.In the UK, this is the ground floor.在英国,这是底楼。
12.In the US, this is the first floor.
Ask and answer
1.How many classroom are there in Nancy’s
Where are they?
2.How many computer rooms are there?
Where are they?
3.Is there a library?
Where is it ?
4.Is there a table tennis room?
Where is it?
Read and judge
1.Bobby and Sam are in the park.
2.Sam is happy on the swing. It’s great fun.
3. Bobby is afraid. Because it’s too big.
music room,(an) art room, computer room, playground, library(librar ies)
2.show sb. around 带...参观
show him around带他参观
show him around the house带他参观房⼦
show them around our school带他们参观我们学校
the first floor 第⼀楼the second lesson 第⼆节课the third student 第三位学⽣my second computer
The science room is on the first floor.
There are two classroom s, the second is my classroom.
4.The UK---the ground floor(底楼)The US---the first floor
5.swing秋千play on the swing荡秋千wing 翅膀two wings 两个翅膀
swim 游泳be good at swimming 擅长游泳
6.fun 乐趣
a lot of fun很多乐趣great fun有趣极了
funny 有趣的very funny 很有趣
7. time for+名词=time to +动词
Time for dinner.=Time to have dinner.
Unit 3
Review the phrases
1.⼀个动物朋友an animal friend
3.⼤⾝体big bodies
4.没有腿和脚have no legs or feet
5.有条长尾巴have a long tail
6.⼩⽿朵small ears
7.红眼睛red eyes
8.⼀张⼤嘴巴 a big mouth
电脑自动关机怎么办9.双翅two wings
10.喊和跳shout and jump
11.说话和飞talk and fly
12.⼀只黄绿相间的鹦鹉 a yellow and green parrot
13.迈克的兔⼦Mike's rabbit
14.五条鱼five fish
15.给他⼀个蛋糕give him a cake
Read and translate