Unit 1
Review the phrases
1.在森林里                      in the forest
2.在桌子上                    on the table
3.在房间里                    in the room
4.又累又渴                    tired and thirsty
5.饥寒交迫                    hungry and cold
6.害怕                              be afraid
7.害怕熊                          be afraid of bears
8.在她前面                    in front of her
9.在房子旁                    beside the house
10.在课桌中间                  between the desks
11.在你和我中间                between you and me
12.一些热汤                    some hot soup
13.正好                            just right
14.太硬                            too hard
15.真软                            so soft
Read and translate
1.put on your coats          穿上你们的外套
2.in the kitchen                在厨房里
3.in the fridge                    在冰箱里
4.find their cousin            到他们的表弟
5.Really?                              真的吗?
6.Coffee is popular in Western countres.
7.Tea is popular in China.
8.Hamburgers are popular in Western countries.
9.Noodles are popular in China.
Ask and anwer
1.What’s in the forest?
2.What’s on the table?
3.What’s in the room?
4.Finally, how is Goldilocks? Why?
Read  and think
Bobby is h_____. He can h_____ some c akes in the k______. But there a_____ any cakes in the f______.  Why? Because t_____ cousin eats the
cakes now.
2018中考分数线是多少1.What’s +地点问? There be 句型答
例:What’s in your classroom?
There is a computer.
区分:What’s this/ that?
It’s a computer.
What a beautiful house!
=How beautiful the house is!
3.very 很  so 真    too 太
very hard 很硬    so hard 真硬    too hard 太硬
期货套利4.be afraid 害怕
be afraid of bears 害怕熊
We are afraid of bears.我们害怕熊。
in\on      on the tree (原生物)  in the tree(外来物)under 在…下面 : under the tree
beside 在…旁边: beside the house
behind 在…后面: behind me
in front of 在…前面:in front of her
between 在…中间:  between them
(1)between+复数  between the rooms
(2) between…and…在…和…中间
6.There be 句型表示某地有某物或者某人
(2)单数is 复数are,不可数也用is。
(1)be后加not, some变any
(2)There isn’t an=There is no
There aren’t any =There are no陶洋
6.There be 句型
(1)be动词提前,some 变any,一二人称要互换,别忘记改大小写和标点。(2)Is there 问,there is 答
Are there问, there are 答
(2)对数量提问:How many +复数+are there+地点?
Unit 2
Review the phrases
1一名新学生                        a new student
2.带她参观                          show her around
3.带他们参观我们学校    show them around our school
4.多少个图书馆                how many libraries
5.几间教室                        how many classrooms
6. 在一楼                            on the first floor
7.第二间美术教室            the second art room
8.第三个美术老师            the third Art teacher
9.这些电脑室                      these computer rooms
10.那些乒乓球室              those table tennis rooms
11.去看一看                      go and have a look
12.在操场上                      in the playground