1—Scanning electron micrograph of the surface morphology of a 10-mm Al-50 at. pct Si droplet solidified at an onset undercooling of 10K.
2—Scanning electron micrograph of polished and deeply etched section of droplet solidified at onset undercooling of 10K. The etching has removed the aluminum, leaving the morphology of the silicon clearly visible.
3—Scanning electron micrograph of polished and deeply etched sec-
tion of droplet solidified at onset undercooling of 70K. The etching has
removed the aluminum, leaving the morphology of the silicon clearly vis-
likely to be influenced by the heat-extraction direction. How-曹阳 模特
妈妈孩子说的话简短4—Scanning electron micrographs (two magnifications) of a polished
and deeply etched section of a droplet solidified at an onset undercooling
K. Rounded aluminum inclusions are evident in the primary silicon
From all these observations, there is a clear trend to smaller
primary-phase particles with increasing melt undercooling.
At small undercoolings of ϳ10K, the primary phase actually朱智勋孙佳仁
can grow to the size of the sample (10mm, in the present
5—Scanning electron micrographs (two magnifications) of the surface morphologies of a droplet solidified at an onset undercooling of 320
6—Scanning electron micrographs (two magnifications) of a polished and deeply etched section of a droplet solidified at an onset undercooling K.
7—Morphology of silicon in eutectic region of droplet with solidifi-cation onset undercooling of 10K. Scanning electron micrograph of pol-ished and deeply etched section.
effect is not evident in the corresponding surface morphology (Figure 5(b)), where the local growth direction can influence where the eutectic appears.
大四自我鉴定范文Eutectic Morphology
8—Morphology of silicon in eutectic region of droplet with solidifi-cation onset undercooling of 70K. Scanning electron micrograph of pol-ished and deeply etched section.
9—Morphology of silicon in eutectic region of droplet with solidifi-cation onset undercooling of 208K. Scanning electron micrograph of polished and deeply etched section.
caused by the isolation of small pockets of residual liquid by the well-developed primary phase.