Unit 7 What does he look like?
I. Language goal:
Key words: short, curly, long, tall, straight hair, a medium build, thin, heavy, bald;
          brown, blonde;
          glasses, hair, beard, mustache.
New language:
        What do you look like? I’m short. And I have curly hair.
        What do they look like? They’re medium height. And they have short hair.
        What does he look like? He’s heavy and he wears glasses.
        What does she look like? She’s thin and she has long hair.
II. Importance: Describing people. Such as tall or short… and who has long hair and short hair…
Difficulties: use the sentences correctly to describe the physical appearance.
III. Teaching Steps:
Section A
Step 1 Greetings
Step 2 Ask some students to name some ways of describing people. Start students off with examples such as tall and short. Point out various students in the class and ask students to say if they are tall or short.
Step 3 Some new words about this part
(1a) This activity introduces the key vocabulary. Ask students to read the list of words. Point to the letters next to the people in the picture. Point out the sample answer. At last,
check the answers.
(1b) This activity provides guided listening and writing practice the target language.
    Play the recording the first time, then , play it again, this time, students fill in the blanks in the speech bubbles.
    Correct the answers.
Language points: 1.He’s the tall boy with the curly hair.
(1c)This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. Ask the students to ask and answer the questions. Then have students work in pairs. As they talk, move around the room monitoring their work.
Language points:
2.What does your friend look like?你的朋友长得什么样?
look like “看起来像,看起来是……的样子”like 作介词,意为….”
eg. What’s he like?
  Jack is very like his father.
look like 看起来像  The girl look like her mother.
look 看起来 后加形容词作表语 His sister looks happy.
look the same 看起来很像 The twins look the same.
(2a)This activity provides guided listening practice using the target language.
Point to the list of nice phrases and ask a students to read them to the class. Play the recording twice. And complete the answers. Then correct the answers.
(2b)Ask the students to listen to the descriptions and write the words in the correct column after each person’s name.
(3)Writing practice: Have students do the activity individually. Offer help as necessary.
(Grammar focus) Review the grammar box. Ask students to read the questions and answers. Point out: does, goes-----you, they      do, go--------he, she.
          I’m, they’re, he’s and she’s -----height
(3a)This activity provides reading practice using the target language. Have a student read the first description. Check the answers.
Language points:
3.She has a medium build, and she has long hair. 她体格中等,留着长发。
medium ,adj.中间的,中等的,普通的  a man of medium height    medium size
build 多用作动词,但在句中是名词,意为体格。
His uncle is a man of strong build.
They are building a new school.
hair 常用作集合名词,头发,毛发
Mr Green has blond hair.
His mother’s hair is turning gray.
My father has quite a few gray hairs.
4.She’s good-looking but she’s a little bit quiet. 她很漂亮,但是有点不大爱说话。
a little bit 常用于口语中,稍微,有些,少许相当于副词。接近于a little.
  It’s a little bit cold today.
  I feel a little tired now.
  This shirt is a little too large for me.
quiet 是形容词,寡言的,稳重的,温顺的
  His daughter is a quiet child.
good-looking, beautiful, prettyhandsome
  good-looking 常用于指容貌美,beautiful 表示接近和谐理想的美; pretty并非表示完美无缺的意思,而是着重表示可爱,令人怜爱handsome 指容貌端正英俊的,形容女性时,作健美的。他们常用于一些特定的人或事物。
man (男性)
程 愫×
5.Xu Qian loves to tell jokes .俆倩喜欢说笑话。
love 在本句中为喜欢, 热爱常可用于“love+doing/ to do”的结构中。
His brother loves jazz.
Miss Read loves her cat more than anything else.
They all love to dance .
love 作动词还常表示为爱,疼爱,爱惜
They both love each other. 
tell jokes 意思为说笑话,类似的短语还有 tell a story, tell a lie, tell the truth.
6.She never stops  talking.他从来都是喋喋不休的说。
never    是副词,意思为决不,永不,从未,一点也不
  never 通常置于一般动词之前,be动词、助动词之后。
  I never get up early Sunday morning.
  She is never late for school.