第七章 翻译的篇章意识(2)
7.1 斤斤于字比句次,措辞生硬
1. Solitude is an excellent laboratory in which to observe the extent to which manners and habits are conditioned by others. My table manners are atrocious(丑恶)----in this respect I’ve slipped back hundreds of years in fact, I have no manners whatsoever. If I feel like it, I eat with my fingers, or out of a can, or standing up---in other words, whichever is easiest.
例2. We all seem to agree that a college education is wonderful, and yet strangely we worry when we see families investing so much in such supposedly essential goods. Maybe it’s time to ask a question that seems almost sacrilegious(亵渎神圣): is all this investment in college education really worth it?
(1) 看起来我们都同意大学教育很美好,但奇怪的是,当我们看到众多家庭对这一所谓的必需品大量投资时,却又觉得担忧。或许,现在是提出这一亵渎神圣的问题的时候了所有这些用于大学教育的投资真的值得吗?
例3. (The tobacco lobbyists…would already have to swallow a thick cloud of concession… to shell out $368 billion for the medical ravages of smoking…)Adding insult to the injury was the room-service crisis. The chocolate torte and grilled chicken that tobacco-company lobbyists had arrayed for themselves were getting nibbled away by the
attorneys general. “One more price to pay,” sighed a tobacco ally.       
(2) 连会议招待品也打了水漂:会议厅摆放的果子奶油大蛋糕和烤鸡,原本是烟草公司的说客们为自己准备的,不想也被各州检查总长们一点一点吃个精光,这无异往他们伤口上又撒了一把盐。“又一笔多付的代价!”某烟草联合会发出了哀叹。
例4.Now that we have begun exploring in earnest, we are getting glimpses of how huge the questions are, and how far being answered. It is not so bad being ignorant if you are totally ignorant; the hard thing is knowing in some detail the reality of ignorance, the worst spots and here and there the not-so-bad spots, but no true light at the end of the tunnel nor even any tunnels that can yet be trusted.
(1) 既然我们已经认真开始探索,我们就已瞥见问题多么巨大、答案多么遥远。如果你完全无知,这种无知还不坏,困难的事情就是较为详尽地了解无知的现实,最坏的地方和这儿那儿不太坏的地方,但是既没有通道尽头真理的灯光,甚至还没有可以信赖的通道。
(2)我们既已认真开始了探索,那么,就已窥见冰山一角,看到问题数量之庞大、答案寻求之遥远。假若你完全无知,这还不太难办,难就难在要具体了解无知的现状——哪些是最糟糕的,哪些是夹在其中又不太糟糕的——而这一切,却没有通道尽头灯光的正确指引,甚至连可信赖的通道都没有。 准确达意、通顺自然金巧巧
5. ……,这一切都没有立下硬性规矩,充其量由领导作一些“口头要求”罢了
(1) …, all these have no hard and rigid rules but “oral instructions” by the leaders.
(2)…, all these have no well-defined rules but some “oral instructions” by the leaders.
英语 “hard and fast rules /deed restrictions/ inflexible and rigid rules” 等这些表达,都重在死板、僵化,而这里所谓硬性的是针对后面口头要求而言的,就是说,对前面提到的这些问题,都没有桂纶镁戴立忍分手“界定明确的或者说制定清楚的规矩(well-defined restrictions / well-made rules)。又是原文理解问题!
6. 30岁,一个传说中很可怕的年龄就要来了。突然发现原来有些事情不可强求,觉得小孩子似乎没以前那么令人讨厌了。
(1) The age of 30, a terrible age in the legend is approaching him. He suddenly finds that something in life can not be enforced and the children will no longer be loathsome.
(2)The age of 30, a terrible age on the lips of young people, is approaching him. It will hit upon him that something in life can not be enforced and the children will no longer be troublesome. 【哪一个译文更准确达意?】         
7. 2 计算机实习报告结构松散,表达过于口语化
语化。要知道,笔译和口译毕竟不是一回事,口译要求的是快速与直接,有时零散断续的表达甚至只字片言都能在特定的场合进行现场交流,但用于笔译却不行。尤其是在汉译英方面,口语化的表达尽管简短直接,但作为书面语,会使译文显得松散零碎,读来近似school English,特别是在篇章翻译中,毕竟还是要讲究一下文法和修辞,注意一下篇章结构,顾及一下读者的审美期待,不宜一味按口语体行事。因为,“英语有英语的文采;汉语有汉语的文采”,“英语的文采主要表现在盘根错节、欲罢不能的绵长句型;表现在那易如反掌、新意闪烁的词的转义”(毛荣贵),篇章或段落不是一的简单句的罗列。当然,这又牵涉到翻译中的文体问题,牵涉到源语与译语间的文化差异。而具体到篇章翻译,就要从“大语篇”的角度来审视整个语篇,分清文体及其风格,从整体上把握住篇章的基调和语气。当然,在考场的特殊条件下,实在译不出来时,能用口语化的简单句将原文意思罗列出来,要比乱七八糟的译文好,但说到底,这毕竟不是我们翻译追求的目标。例如:
例1. 语言这个东西不是随便可以学好的,非下苦功不可。
(1)A language is not easy to learn well, you must make great efforts to do it well.
(2) A language is not easy to learn well unless you make arduous efforts
(3)Mastery of a language is not easy and requires painstaking efforts.
2如何拿到美国绿卡. Too many of the world’s leaders are still best described in the words of Winston Churchill applied to those who ignored Adolf Hitler’s threat. They go on in strange paradox, decided only to be undecided, resolved to be irresolute, all powerful to be impotent.qq男