宴请菜单 Entertain menus
凉菜: Cold dish:
盐水鸡片 Salted sliced chicken 
麻辣泥鳅 Rough hot loach
糖醋排骨 Sweet and sour short rib
泡椒鲜笋 Pickled peppers and fresh bamboo shoot
竹海三丝 Bamboo sea 3 silks
炝水笋  Fried soaked bamboo shoot
热菜: Hot dish
鸳鸯竹蛋  Mandarin duck bamboo eggs 
蜀南腊肉  South Sichuan Cured meat
韭黄炒荪帽Fried hotbed chives and bamboo fungus tops
竹筒豆花  Bean curd in bamboo tube
干煸笋尖  Fried bamboo shoot tip
山珍元盅汤Mountain delicacies soup boiled in handleless cup
雪衣竹荪  Snow coated edible bamboo fungus
金钩玉兰  Gold hook yulan  (shrimps with bamboo shoot slices )
绍子竹燕窝 Bamboo bird's nest spread with meat broth
泡菜鲜笋  Pickled fresh bamboo shoot
木耳荪脆  Agaric and crisp bamboo fungus
西瓜笋丁  Water-melon and bamboo shoot pieces
白水南瓜  Plain boiled pumpkin
炝炒汗菜  Fried celery
: soup
苦笋炖鸡汤 Soup of stewed chicken and bitter bamboo shoot
小吃机动车保险种类: Snacks:
竹荪面  Bamboo fungus noodles
叶儿粑  Cakes wrapped in leaves
竹海玉米Bamboo sea maize
竹叶黄粑Yellow cakes wrapped in bamboo leaves
果拼    Assorted fruit cold dish2022年建党多少周年
竹筒饭  Bamboo tube rice
宴请菜单Entertain menus
凉菜: Cold dish:
牙签牛肉  Toothpick beef
尖椒毛肚  Sharp peppers and belly
竹乡卤猪耳Steamed pig's ear of bamboo township
香油笋丝  Sesame oil bamboo shoot silk
拌滑菌    Slippery fungus mix
五香豆腐干Spiced dried bean curd
热菜: Hot dish
咸黄竹冒  The salted yellow bamboo fungus tops
清蒸竹蛋  Steamed bamboo eggs 
绿豆黄瓜汤Cucumber soup with mung beans
蜀南腊排  Cured meat in South Sichuan Province
绍子笋尖  Bamboo shoot tips with with meat broth
撒贝宁 经纬绣球竹燕窝 Silk ball of bamboo bird's nest
女孩游戏网名泡椒竹胎  Pickled peppers with bamboo foetus
炝炒水笋  Fried soaked bamboo shoot
竹荪元盅汤 Edible fungus soup boiled in handleless cup
糖粘笋条  The candy glued bamboo shoot slices
一品竹荪  First class edible bamboo fungus
蒜香野菌  Garlic fragrant wild fungus
红烧茄子  Red braised eggplant
白水黄瓜Plain boiled cucumber
: soup
风萝卜腊蹄汤Cured hoof and wind dried turnip soup
小吃: snacks
鲜笋水饺 Boiled dumplings with fresh bamboo shoot fillings
香酥苕饼孔升妍 Fragrant crisp sweet potato cake
玉米粥 Maize porridge
蒸黄南瓜 Steamed yellow pumpkin
果拼Assorted fruit cold dish
关东煮的做法竹筒饭Bamboo tube rice