摘  要:因特网的迅猛发展给人们的生活带来了极大的方便,但同时因特网也面临着空前的威胁。因此,如何使用有效可行的方法使网络危险降到人们可接受的范围之内越来越受到人们的关注。而如何实施防范策略,首先取决于当前系统的安全性。所以对网络安全的各独立元素——防火墙、漏洞扫描、入侵检测和反病毒等进行风险评估是很有必要的。
在现在的计算机时代,网络信息的安全越显得重要。而对防火墙技术的要求也会越来越高。所以对防火墙的研究是很有必要的,而且防火墙技术也会越来越被广泛应用。 个税年度汇算指南
Discussion on Internet firewall technology
Abstract:The rapid development of the Internet to people's lives has brought great convenience, but the Internet is also facing unprecedented threats. Therefore, how to use effective method for people to make the network down to an acceptable risk within the scope of more and more attention. And how to implement preventive strategies, first of all depends on the current system security. So the separate elements of network security - firewalls, vulnerability scanning, intrusion detection and anti-virus and other risk assessment is necessary. 
    Firewall technology as a more mature nowadays network security technology, its security is directly related to the user's vital interests. With the computer technology and network technology, computer network to bring a lot of convenience, this same network security issues are also associated with the development of network technology increasingly serious. Use a firewall to enhance the security of the system well, reducing the system by the network security threats. 
  In the present computer age, the network information security, the more important. The r
equirements of firewall technology will be increasingly high. Therefore, the research on the firewall is necessary. And firewall technology will be more widely used. 
Key words:羡慕的反义词Internet;Firewall;Packet Filtering Technology;Network Security

第一章 引言
1.1周结论 研究背景
随着互联网的普及和发展,尤其是Internet的广泛使用,使计算机应用更加广泛与深入。计算机网络给人们带来了很多便利。与此同时,网络安全的问题也伴随着网络技术的发展而日趋严重。人们在利用网络的优越性的同时对网络安全问题也决不能忽视。如何建立比较安全的网络体系,值得我们关注研究。使用防火墙能很好的提高系统的安全性 减少系统受到网络安全方面的威胁。
1.1.1 背景内容
1.2 研究目的