What will you study in the United States? I’m going to pursue the degree of mechanical engineering at University of Denver写秋天景的作文.
1) What is your major? mechanical engineering In what aspect of your major will you study?
2) What will you do in USA? I’m going to pursue the degree of mechanical engineering at University of Denver.
4) Are you going to study in USA? Yes I I have a keen interest in ME,so I want to study ME in USA
.5) When/where did you graduate? June 2010 from Shandong Taian No.1 senior high school
6) What/where are you studying now? Shandong Taian No.1 senior high school or What are you working now?
7) How long will you study in USA? For about 4 years. I’ll come back when I finish my degree’s program.
8) Have you any scholarship? Yes, ten thousand dollars for each year
9) What do you want to study in USA? I I have a keen interst in ME,so I want to study ME in USA
10) What do you do with your work for MS? I will take courses, do research, and finish my thesis in the area of ME八宝饭做法 to get my Degree in 4 years.
11) What is your purpose for the visa? I want to study ME in DU
12) What is your academic background?
13) How do you know this Univ.? I started to know it from newspapers, magazines such as China Daily, US news, and I got further information from the Univ.’s homepage. A few weeks ago I also participated in an on-line chat held by the school; we talked about t
he livings, fees, register and courses with the staff and current students in University of Denver.
14) What is your plan? What will you do after graduation?
I will try my best to get my Bachelor degree with a high marksBefore that I will passed the English Languages programs with about 3 months in the university of DU. During this period, I will try my best to communicate with the professor, it is very important for me to combine the theory with practice.
After getting a degree in the USA, I will come back to China to in the field of Economics.
孟鹤堂婚姻Secondly, I will apply the knowledge that I learnt in USA into my work
.Thirdly, Because my father was the vice president of Taian AGS Pipeline Construction Co., Ltd.吾恩苍白出柜微博>张家界自由行详细攻略, He can give me some good advices in Business field.I have a dream that one day I will have my own business
15) Give me three reasons that you will come back to China?
Firstly, As a Chinese students and scholars studying abroad, china will give me some good opportunities.
Secondly, my parents and friends are all in china, These contribute to the success of my career.
Finally, China now has many good working opportunities in Me field; I can find an ideal job with good development and high salary.
16) Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didn't come back?
I had read some article talk about such issue. It was said that some of them couldn’t find good positions in China, and some people believe they lived better in US than in China. But as China is developing very quickly and government provide good payment and working environment for the people abroad, more people begin and think about come back.
17) Why do you choose this Univ.? The ME program in DU emphasize on useful engin
eering-related applications and the education system and curriculums are similar to what I’ve learned. So I believe this program will suit me pretty well. Students in this program are from diverse backgrounds and cultures, I can learn a great deal from this multi-culture communication. Located in Denver, the city itself provides an excellent opportunity for students to receive practical trainings in industry. All these experiences will play an important role in my graduate study in the US and for my future career development in China. Also, I like doing some sports.小学新教师工作总结 Men's Fitness magazine mentioned 'The best thing about DU is the Ritchie Center—a multimillion-dollar facility dedicated to intramural, club, and varsity sports, which are so easy to get involved in because there are so many different sports to play. There are a number of wooded areas to relax in, as well as a sprawling campus green, known as Driscoll lawn, where people like to throw the Frisbee around before class. The leading knowledge and the research ability which I can acquire from the DU study will no doubt give me much more solid foundation and a broader vision.
18) Why do you like your major?
Firstly,. When I was a little kid, I dreamed to become a engineer.
Secondly. And my father used to work in the Taian AGS Pipeline Construction Co., Ltd. , He has set an good example to me.
Lastly, I have a keen interest in ME ,so I want to study ME in USA.
19) Why do you want to study in USA?
Firstly,I just finished my high school study.I must pursue a higher education for my future.
Secondly, I  have a keen interst interest in ME ,so I want to study ME in USA.
It is well known that USA leads finance development. University there will provide me the newest and most professional knowledge and skills in finance. In addition, I want to work for Chinese investment banks, and many of them require abroad experiences. So I plan to study in USA.
20) Why do you want to pursue a master's degree?