美国移民签证类型(Immigration visa types in the United States)Two, the United States immigration visa type
The type of visa for the immigrant beneficiary depends on the type of immigration that the US applicant applies to the US citizenship and immigration office. In most cases, the visa category is determined by the relationship between the American applicant and the beneficiary. According to the immigration law, some visa applications can be started immediately, while other visa categories are limited in number and have to wait until a certain period of time before they are eligible to start. That is, a limited number of visa applications can be processed only after the departure date of the visa. The immediate family of an American citizen is eligible to attend a visa interview after the citizenship and immigration service has approved his immigration application and transferred the file to the immigration and Visa Department of the United States Consulate General in Guangzhou. The term "immediate family" refers to the parents, spouses or minor children of an American citizen (unmarried and under 21 years of age). Every immediate family must have an independent immigration application file.
Visa application category for US citizens and overseas family members
Visa category not subject to visa quota restrictions
IR/CR1: spouse class visa
IR/CR2: Children's visa
IR3/IR4: adoption visa
IR5: parent class visa
K1: fiance (wife) class visa
K3: spouse class non immigrant visa
Visa category restricted by quota of visa
F1: US citizens' unmarried children visa
魔兽变态防守地图F3: US citizens, married children, visas
F4: US citizens, brothers and sisters visas
Visa categories for overseas passport holders of us green card holders subject to visa quota restrictions
F2A: US green card holder, spouse and / or child class visa
F2B: US green card holder, unmarried children's class visa
Labour immigration visa category
E1: first class first
E2: second categories first
E3: third categories first
E4: fourth categories first
E5: fifth categories first
幽默的晒儿子送的礼物Other visa categories
SB1: visa back to the United States
DV: draw visa
Then go to the United States class visa
If you have a legitimate long-term Jumei identity, you hold the visa allows you to bring them into the United States, you can go to the U.S. citizenship and immigration services for your spouse and under 21 years of age and unmarried children then apply for visa. Applications should be made available to the U. S. citizenship and immigration office to prove that your relationship with your family was established before you changed your identity. Please note that the consulate no longer accepts direct applications for immigration to the United states. All such applications must be made through the corresponding US citizenship and immigration office in the United states.
Occupational immigrant visa classification
四级作文范文According to the current immigration law, the number of people who immigrate to the United States by occupation is 140 thousand quotas annually. They are divided into five priority categories according to the conditions of different occupations and
E1 first priority: preferred labour (category three)
1.. Outstanding in science, art, education, business, sport, foreign countries or countries.
2. three years of teaching or research experience in a special academic field, and internationally recognized as an outstanding professor or researcher.
3. senior managers of international trading companies require more than one year of working experience in the company during the first three years of the application, and the United States will continue to work in the same company or its business.
E2 second is preferred; professionals with special skills with advanced degrees (category two)
1. have a higher degree (Master's or master's degree) or equivalent (at least five years of experience in the field of expertise).
2. having a special ability in science, art, and commerce, and having real use in the economy, culture, education, or welfare of the United states.
井柏然郭书瑶E3 third priority: technical labour, professional and other labour (category three)
1. refers to a bachelor's degree and has engaged in a
professional (such as accountants, architects and engineers, etc.).
2. technical worker, who has more than two years of vocational training or experience.
3. other labour, including unskilled labour.
E4 fourth priority: special immigrants (category nine)
1. expected to regain American citizenship.
2. religious workers.
3. outside the United States for more than ten years to work for the U.S. government.
4. employees working under the Treaty of the Panama Canal.qq网名女生超拽霸气
5. graduates of certain foreign medical schools.
6. some people who regularly travel to and from the United States border.
7. certain retired officials of international organizations, their spouses and children.
8. some who wish to regain permanent residency.
9. some children have been declared non living capacity by the juvenile court.