须提供指定规格的照片,具体要求见: 于6个月内拍摄的2英寸x2英寸(51折盒毫米x51毫米)正方形白背景的彩正面照(露耳朵)。像素600×600--1200×1200.记住跟照相馆索要电子版。(带上U盘拷上)
ACQUISITION - The image file may be produced by acquiring an image with a digital camera or by digitizing a paper photograph with a scanner.
DIMENSIONS - Image pixel dimensions must be in a square aspect ratio (meaning th
e height must be equal to the width). Minimum acceptable dimensions are 600 pixels (width) — 600 pixels (height). Maximum acceptable dimensions are 1200 pixels (width) — 1200 pixels (height).
彩 - 彩照(24位消灭毛毛虫/像素)必须为sRGB 空间(多数数码相机的一般性输出)。
COLOR - Must be in color (24 bits per pixel) in sRGB color space (common output of most digital cameras).
文件格式 - 必须为 JPEG 的*.JFIF文件。
FILE FORMAT - Must be in the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) file interchange format (JFIF).
文件大小 - 必须小于等于240千字节。
FILE SIZE - Must be less than or equal to 240 kilobytes.
压缩 - 照片经过压缩后必须低于最大文件大小的要求。压缩比率小于等于20福州旅游黄健翔妻子:1。
真人秀暴露真性格COMPRESSION - The image may need to be compressed in order for it to be under the maximum file size. The