摘  要
伴随科学技术的进步和时代发展的步伐,电视脱口秀节目的语言特点和风格等应追随时代发展的潮流,应该同当下网络层面传播和节目等之间形成一定差异性,形成独特的发展模式。在这种环境中,电视脱口秀节目主持人更应该与时俱进,根据自身实际状况和节目自身特点等寻观众期许的主持方法和风格等。在本文中,笔者同国外脱口秀节目和国内脱口秀节目状况相结合,首先对国内外脱口秀节目选择话题中出现的不同进行有效分析,例如,国外脱口秀节目选择话题时的倾向和国内脱口秀节目选择话题时的倾向;其次,笔者在文中选取《艾伦秀》和《金星秀》进行对比,进而对国外脱口秀节目的“符号”和国内脱口秀节目的“符号”比较,这一所谓的“符号”包括两种情况,分别为语言符号、非语言符号;再者,笔者在文中对比分析了国外脱口秀节目主持人和国内脱口秀节目主持人的幽默用语方法,其包含国内外脱口秀幽默用语的策略和幽默表达方式;同时,笔者在文中对比分析了国内外脱口秀节目主持人、现场观众以及嘉宾的互动语言;最后对我国脱口秀主持人专业素养培养方向进行指引,例如对脱口秀节目线索、积极态度和语言表达灵活性等进行整体把握。陈升 老婆
黄宗洛 黄海波
关键词:国内外脱口秀节目; 语言风格特点; 差异; 主持人
With the progress of science and technology and the pace of the development of the times, the language characteristics and styles of TV talk shows should follow the trend of the development of the times, and should form a certain difference with the current network level communication and programs, and form a unique development model. In this environment, the TV talk show host should keep pace with the times, according to their own actual situation and the characteristics of the program to find the audience expected hosting methods and styles. In the standard, the author combines with the situation of foreign talk shows and domestic talk shows, and first of all, makes an effective analysis of the differences in the choice of topics in domestic and foreign talk shows, for example, foreign countries Secondly, the author chooses "Allen Show" and "Venus Show" to compare the "symbols" of foreign talk shows with the "symbols" of domestic talk shows. At the same time, the author makes a comparative analysis in this p
aper  oral show host, live audience and guest's interactive language; finally, the direction of professional cultivation of talk show host in China is guided, for example, the overall grasp of talk show clues, positive attitude and language expression flexibility.
Keywords:2022年国庆放假7天需调休Domestic and foreign talk showslanguage style characteristics;difference;compere