关键词: 朱元璋;出生地;东乡;感应乡;金桥坎
中图分类号: K247,K248
文献标志码: A
文章编号: 10012435(2010)02021908
Research on Zhu Yuanzhang’s Birthplace: “Dongxiang of Zhongli”嗨我真的好想你
LIU Sixiang (Academy of Social Sciences, Hefei 230053, China)
Key words: Zhu Yuanzhang; birthplace; Dongxiang; Ganyingxiang; Jinqiaokan
Abstract: Dongxiang of Zhongli, the birthplace of Zhu Yuanzhang, should be the placename rather than direction, originated from the Dongxiang County of West Han Dynasty. This county was named Ganying of Linghuai in the Ming Dynastry. The Birthplace of Zhu Yuanzhang is Jinqiaokan, Randengji of this county.
关于明太祖朱元璋的出生地,《明太祖实录》有清楚的记载:“濠之锺离东乡人也。”明星大侦探恐怖童谣[1卷一]这一点一般为学术界所熟知和认同 。可是,最近出版的许永宁主编的《明光出了个朱元璋》认为,朱元璋出生于“淮安路泗州盱眙太平乡赵郢二郎庙,即今安徽省明光市明光街道办事处赵府村。” ①