NetToPLCsim S7online Version
The old NetToPLCsim-Version used the S7ProSim-COM-Object to exchange data with Plcsim.
The version described in this document uses the so called S7online interface. The old version had to dissect the S7-protocol and read/write data through the S7ProSim interface. The new version starts a IsoOnTCP server and forwards the payload into the S7online-interface.
The main differences between 'old' and 'new' version:
•Support of multiple clients (max. 100)
•No limits in supported data areas, it's possible to read and write timer (T) and counter (C), read digital-inputs (I) and write digital-outputs (O)
•Support of multiple Plcsim instances
•Improved data throughput
•Support of other PLC functions, like Run/Stop, timesystem, reading of SZL (maybe different to a 'real' PLC)
To use this new version, you have to configure a PLC with a network interface, like a PN-CPU or a classis CPU with additional Ethernet CP.
NetToPLCsim acts as intermediary between Plcsim and your real network interface.
The service …SIMATIC IEPG Helper“
As you have Step7 installed on your PC, then there is a Windows service called …SIMATIC IEPG Helper“ running in the background. This service holds TCP port 102 in use. But this port is used for S7-communication, so this service must be stopped before starting NetToPLCsim.
At program start, NetToPLCsim checks if port 102 is free. If it's not, then it asks to stop the …SIMATIC IEPG Helper“ service.
When you ended with testing with NetToPLCsim, it's recommended to restart the service before doing other work with SIMATIC software.
Alternitavely you can stop the service with the following two little batch files:
挤奶门事件完整照片Stop IEPGhelper.bat:
net stop s7oiehsx
Start IEPGhelper.bat:
net start s7oiehsx
You need administrative rights to make changes on the windows service control. On Windows XP your actual user account needs admin-rights, on Windows 7 you need to start NetToPlCsim with administrative rights
Simulation with one single Plcsim instance
Example configuration:
S7-300 PN-CPU with IP-address: interface IP-address:
1)Start PLCSIM out of the SIMATIC-Manager
2)Set PG/PC interface in PLCSIM to 'PLCSIM(TCP/IP)'
3)Load your PLC program including system data into PLCSIM 4)Start NetToPLCsim
黄晓明林志玲5)In NetToPlCsim add a new station
6)Insert unique name in …Name“ field for this station
In …Network IP Address“ field, insert the IP-address of your LAN interface, on which Plcsim should
be reachable (e.g. Clicking on (…) shows a new windows where all interface IP-addresses are listed.
8)In …Plcsim IP Address“ field, insert the IP-address of your PLC (IP-address which is shown in Plcsim status bar). Clicking on (…) shows a new windows where all PLCSIM reachable PLCs are listed.
9)Apply station configuration with OK
10)A click on …Start all“ will start the servers
When state changes to 'RUNNING', a client like SCADA/visualisation-systems can reach the Plcsim PLC on IP-address
To stop the simulation, at the first step stop NetToPLCsim. At the second step stop PLCSIM.
Simulation of multiple Plcsim-Instances
To connect to multiple PLCSIM-simulations at the same time, NetToPLCsim needs a separate IP-address for each server to start on. It's possible to realize this with inserting more than one network interface card, or by simply adding additional IP-addresses to the existent interface.
The image sequence above shows how to add additional IP-addresses to you LAN interface.(german Windows 7 version)
To avoid later network problems, you should delete the additional IP-addresses when finished with  testing (my experience)
A new PLCSIM instance can be started out of the first PLCSIM instance by menu File → …New Plc“ (or something like that, I've got only the german version).
The following steps are equal to simulation with on PLCSIM instance.
For the constellation shown in fig.2, the configuration shown in this image is needed:
Monitoring of the data-exchange
When the nettoplcsim servers are started, the …Start monitoring“ entry in the context-menu of the station list is enabled. For each station a separate monitoring-windows can be started. In the monitoring-windows only the usually telegrams for data-exchange (Read/Write-Requests) between a PLC and a SCADA-system are shown.
To debug more details of the protocol, you can use Wireshark with my s7comm plugin-dll.
The activated monitoring reduces the data exchange rate significant.
Version history
–First version using the S7online interface
–added optional monitoring of the data exchange